This is an archived copy of the 2018-2020 catalog. To
access the most recent version of the catalog, please
- Mathematics:
- Mathematics 408C, 408D, 427K or 427J, and 427L
- Primary science:
- Physics 301, 101L, 315, 115L, 316, and 116L
- Physics 336K, 352K, 355, 369, and 373
- One course chosen from the following: Mathematics 340L; and Physics 329, 333, 345, 353L, 362K, 362L, 474, 375S, 375R, or 375P
- Secondary science:
- Three semester hours of majors-level coursework chosen from: astronomy, biology, chemistry, computer science, and geological sciences. It is recommended that students select a course that will also fulfill the Natural Science and Technology Part II core curriculum requirement.