This is an archived copy of the 2020-22 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Academic Policies and Procedures

Repetition of a Course

Students in the College of Liberal Arts may not repeat any course in which they have earned a grade of C- or better.


University-wide honors are described in University Honors and in the General Information Catalog. In addition, the College of Liberal Arts provides recognition through the Dean’s Honor List and the Plan I Honors Programs. Students may also graduate with departmental honors and earn membership in one or more of the honorary scholastic societies open to undergraduates.

Dean's Honor List

The Dean’s Honor List, prepared at the end of each long-session semester, gives official recognition and commendation to students whose grades for the semester indicate distinguished academic accomplishment. Both the quality and the quantity of work done are considered; a grade of F in any course makes the student ineligible, regardless of other grades.

The Honor List is divided into five groups; according to the number of grade points they earn, students are listed under one of the following classifications:

  • Summa cum Laude (67 or more grade points)
  • Cum Laude Ampla et Magna (61–66 grade points)
  • Magna cum Laude (58–60 grade points)
  • Ampla cum Laude (55–57 grade points)
  • Cum Laude (52–54 grade points)

Liberal Arts Honors Programs, Plan I

Liberal Arts Honors Programs coordinates the various honors opportunities available to Plan I students in the college: the Freshman Honors Program, the departmental honors programs, and the Liberal Arts Honors Program. This array of choices is designed for students who seek flexibility and choice in their honors work and for those who want to pursue an honors degree in a particular discipline.

The Freshman Honors Program gives selected students access to honors sections of lower-division introductory courses. Each student admitted to the program is required to take an active part in three courses in the first year: Liberal Arts Honors 102H, The Idea of the Liberal Arts, Liberal Arts Honors 103H, The Ideas of Civic Engagementand one designated honors writing course. The program serves as a preparation for departmental honors programs and for the upper-division Liberal Arts Honors Program. Students must apply to the Freshman Honors Program when they apply to the University. Admission decisions are based on the applicant’s demonstrated commitment to the liberal arts, test scores, high school records, and an application essay.

The upper-division Liberal Arts Honors Program offers challenging and intensive interdisciplinary courses taught by distinguished faculty members. Students who have completed at least 60 semester hours of coursework and have earned a University grade point average of at least 3.50 are eligible to enroll in these courses. There is no application process.

The requirements for graduation with liberal arts honors are

  1. Graduation from the College of Liberal Arts with any degree other than the Bachelor of Arts, Plan II
  2. A University grade point average of at least 3.50 at graduation
  3. Completion of at least three upper-division liberal arts honors (LAH) courses with at least a grade of A- in two of the courses and a grade of at least B in the third
  4. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree

The statement “Liberal Arts Honors” appears on the academic record of each graduate who fulfills these requirements. The student may earn both liberal arts honors and special honors in his or her major department.

The three upper-division liberal arts honors courses required for graduation with liberal arts honors may be used, with a fourth liberal arts honors course, to fulfill the 12 hour minor requirement for the Bachelor of Arts, Plan I, unless the work in the minor is specified by the student’s major department.

Departmental Honors Programs

Most departments in the College of Liberal Arts offer honors programs to their majors. Minimum requirements for departmental honors are

  1. A University grade point average of at least 3.00
  2. A three-semester-hour thesis or research project, or a reasonable equivalent, with a grade of at least B
  3. Completion, with a grade point average of at least 3.50, of the coursework required for a major in the field
  4. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree

Each department may establish additional or more rigorous requirements.  Thesis coursework in one department's honors program may not be applied toward the requirements of an interdisciplinary program.  

The statement “Special Honors in (name of field)” appears on the transcript of each graduate certified as having completed the honors program.

African and African Diaspora Studies Honors Program

Majors who plan to seek special honors in African and African diaspora studies should apply to the undergraduate advisor for admission to the honors program at least two semesters before they expect to graduate. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 is required for admission. The requirements for graduation with special honors are

  1. African and African Diaspora Studies 679H, Honors Tutorial Course, with a grade of at least B in each half
  2. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in the coursework required for the major and for honors
  3. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree
American Studies Honors Program

Majors who plan to seek special honors in American studies should apply to the honors advisor for admission to the honors program at least two semesters before they expect to graduate. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 is required for admission. In addition to the requirements of the major, requirements for graduation with special honors are

  1. American Studies 679H, Honors Tutorial Course, with a grade of at least B in each half
  2. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in the coursework required for the major and for honors
  3. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree
Anthropology Honors Program

Majors who plan to seek special honors in anthropology should apply to the honors advisor for admission to the honors program no later than two semesters before they expect to graduate; the applicant must be recommended by the faculty member who will supervise the honors work. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average in anthropology of at least 3.50 are required for admission. The requirements for graduation with special honors, which are in addition to the requirements for the major, are

  1. Anthropology 679H, Honors Tutorial Course, with a grade of A- in each half
  2. Satisfactory performance on a comprehensive oral examination centered on the thesis completed in Anthropology 679H
  3. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in the coursework required for the major and for honors
  4. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree
Asian American Studies Honors Program

Ethnic studies majors who plan to seek special honors in Asian American studies should apply to the honors advisor for admission to the honors program no later than two semesters before they expect to graduate. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 is required for admission. The requirements for graduation with special honors, which are in addition to the requirements for the concentration, are

  1. Asian American Studies 679H, Honors Tutorial Course, with a grade of A in each half
  2. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in the coursework required for the concentration in Asian American studies and for honors
  3. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree
Asian Cultures and Languages Honors Program

Majors who plan to seek special honors in Asian cultures and languages should apply to the honors advisor by April 30 for admission to the honors program the following fall. If April 30 falls on a weekend or an official university holiday, the application is due on the next business day. Requirements for admission are completion of 60 semester hours of coursework at the University, a University grade point average of at least 3.00, and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in Asian cultures and languages. Students must complete at least 12 semester hours of upper-division coursework in the Department of Asian Studies before applying for admission to the honors program. The requirements for graduation with special honors, which are in addition to the requirements for the major, are

  1. Asian Studies 678H, Honors Tutorial Course, with a grade of A in each half
  2. A University grade point average of at least 3.00, and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in the coursework required for the major and for honors
  3. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree
Asian Studies Honors Program

Majors who plan to seek special honors in Asian studies should apply to the honors advisor by April 30 for admission to the honors program the following fall. If April 30 falls on a weekend or an official University holiday, the application is due on the next business day. Requirements for admission are completion of 60 semester hours of coursework at the University, a University grade point average of at least 3.25, and a grade point average in Asian studies of at least 3.50. Students must complete at least 12 semester hours of upper-division coursework in the Department of Asian Studies before applying for admission to the honors program. The requirements for graduation with special honors are

  1. Asian Studies 678H, Honors Tutorial Course, with a grade of A- in each half
  2. A University grade point average of at least 3.25, and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in the coursework required for the major and for honors
  3. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree
  4. Completion of the Asian Studies degree plan, with the exception of Asian Studies 379
Classical Studies Honors Program

Majors who plan to seek special honors in classical studies should apply to the honors advisor for admission to the honors program at least one full academic year before they expect to graduate. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 is required for admission, as is a grade point average of at least 3.50 in all coursework required for the major and specialization that the student has completed. Completion of Ancient History and Classical Civilization 378 or Classical Civilization 375 is highly recommended before applying for special honors. The requirements for graduation with special honors, which are in addition to the requirements of the major, are

  1. Classical Civilization 679H, Honors Tutorial Course with a grade of at least A- in each half
  2. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in the coursework required for the major and for honors
  3. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree
Classical Languages Honors Program

Majors who plan to seek special honors in Greek, special honors in Latin, or special honors in classics should apply to the honors advisor for admission to the honors program at least one full academic year before they expect to graduate. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average in Greek (for the Greek specialization), Latin (for the Latin specialization), or Greek, Latin, and classical civilization combined (for the classics specialization) of at least 3.50 are required for admission. Completion of Ancient History and Classical Civilization 378 or Classical Civilization 375 is highly recommended before applying for special honors. The requirements for graduation with special honors, which are in addition to the requirements of the major, are

  1. Classical Civilization 679H, Honors Tutorial Course with a grade of at least A- in each half
  2. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in the coursework required for the major and for honors
  3. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree
Economics Honors Program

Majors who plan to seek special honors in economics must apply to the honors advisor for admission to the honors program before the first registration period for the first semester of their senior year. Students are encouraged to apply as early as the beginning of the first semester of their sophomore year. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average in economics of at least 3.50 are required for admission. Before a student registers for Economics 378H, the student’s thesis proposal must be approved first by the supervising instructor and then by the honors advisor. The requirements for graduation with special honors are

  1. At least 34 semester hours in economics
  2. Economics 378H, Honors Tutorial Course I, and Economics 379H, Honors Tutorial Course II, with a grade of at least B in each
  3. Regular participation in designated honors courses
  4. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in the coursework required for the major and for honors
  5. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree
English Honors Program

Majors who plan to seek special honors in English should apply for admission to the honors program prior to their junior year. Application forms and information about the program are available in the English Advising Office, Parlin Hall 114, and on the Department of English website. The requirements for graduation with special honors are

  1. Completion of the requirements for a major in English
  2. Completion of three or more upper-division English honors courses with grades of at least B+; these courses may be counted toward the requirements of the major; two of these courses must be completed prior to enrolling in English 368H
  3. English 368H, Honors Tutorial Course I and English 369H, Honors Tutorial Course II with a grade of at least B+ in each, resulting in the presentation and defense of a thesis judged to be worthy of honors
  4. A University grade point average of at least 3.33 and a grade point average of at least 3.66 in the coursework required for the major and for honors
French Studies Honors Program

Majors who plan to seek special honors may apply to the honors advisor for admission to the honors program during the semester in which they will complete 60 semester hours of coursework. To enter the program, a student must have completed at least 60 semester hours of coursework, including 12 hours of upper-division coursework in French. These 12 hours must include at least one course numbered 330 or above. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average in French of at least 3.50 are also required for admission. The requirements for graduation with special honors, which are in addition to the requirements for the major, are

  1. French 379H, Honors Tutorial Course, with a grade of at least B
  2. Satisfactory performance on an honors examination
  3. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in the coursework required for the major and for honors
  4. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree
Geography Honors Program

Majors who plan to seek special honors in geography should apply to the honors advisor for admission to the honors program no later than two semesters before they expect to graduate. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average in geography of at least 3.50 are required for admission. The requirements for graduation with special honors are

  1. Geography 679H, Honors Tutorial Course, with a grade of at least A- in each half 
  2. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in the coursework required for the major and for honors
  3. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree
German Honors Program

Majors who plan to seek special honors in German should apply to the honors advisor for admission to the honors program upon completion of 30 semester hours; they must apply no later than upon completion of 90 semester hours. Admission is by means of a special examination; a University grade point average of at least 3.00 is also required for admission. The requirements for graduation with special honors, which are in addition to the requirements for the major, are

  1. German 679H, Honors Tutorial Course, with a grade of at least A- in each half
  2. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in the coursework required for the major and for honors
  3. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree
German, Scandinavian, and Dutch Studies Honors Program

Majors who plan to seek special honors in German, Scandinavian, and Dutch studies should apply to the honors advisor for admission to the honors program upon completion of 30 semester hours; they must apply no later than upon completion of 90 semester hours. Admission is by means of a special examination; a University grade point average of at least 3.00 is also required for admission. The requirements for graduation with special honors, which are in addition to the requirements for the major, are

  1. German, Scandinavian, and Dutch Studies 679H, with a grade of at least A- in each half
  2. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in the coursework required for the major and for honors
  3. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree
Government Honors Program

Majors who plan to seek special honors in government should apply to the honors advisor for admission to the honors program in the spring semester of their junior year. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 is required for admission. The requirements for graduation with special honors are

  1. Thirty-three semester hours of government, including Government 679H, Honors Tutorial Course, with a grade of at least B in each half
  2. Regular participation in honors seminars
  3. Satisfactory performance on a comprehensive oral or written honors examination
  4. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in the coursework required for the major and for honors
  5. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree
Health and Society Honors Program

For the Health and Society Honors Program, students complete a two-semester (six hours) honors thesis under the supervision of a faculty member. Students interested in writing an honors thesis should contact the honors advisor, preferably in the first semester of their junior year, in order to discuss plans for the thesis and begin to lay the groundwork for their project. Students applying for the honors program must have a University grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.00, must have completed Health and Society 301 with a B- or better, and must have a GPA of at least 3.50 in their core health and society courses at the time of the application. Students are also expected to identify a thesis supervisor at the time of application. The requirements for graduation with special honors are

  1. Completion of liberal arts and health and society requirements, except for Health and Society 378
  2. A University grade point average of at least 3.00
  3. A health and society grade point average of at least 3.50
  4. Health and Society 679H, Honors Thesis
History Honors Program

History majors who plan to seek special honors in history should apply to the honors advisor for admission to the honors program in the fall semester of the junior year. Application forms and information about the program are available in the History Undergraduate Advising Office, Garrison Hall 1.140. The requirements for graduation with special honors, which are in addition to the requirements of the major, are

  1. History 347L, Seminar in Historiography, normally taken in the spring semester of the junior year; this course may be counted toward the 30 hours in history required for the major
  2. History 679H, Honors Tutorial Course, with a grade of at least B in each half
  3. Satisfactory performance on an oral examination centered on the thesis completed in History 679HB
  4. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in the coursework required for the major and for honors
  5. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree

Normandy Scholar Program (NSP) students may substitute an approved upper-division NSP history course for the History 347L requirement.

Human Dimensions Of Organizations Honors Program

Majors who plan to seek special honors in human dimensions of organizations should apply to the honors advisor for admission to the honors program at least one full academic year before they expect to graduate. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 is required for admission, as is a grade point average of at least 3.50 in all coursework required for the major that the student has completed. The requirements for graduation with special honors, which are in addition to the requirements of the major, are

  1. Human Dimensions of Organizations 359H and 379H, Honors Tutorial Courses, with approval of the student's thesis topic by the director of human dimensions of organizations, and a grade of at least B in each half. Students will take these two courses instead of Human Dimensions of Organizations 379.
  2. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in the coursework required for the major and for honors
  3. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree
Humanities Honors Program

Majors who plan to seek special honors in humanities should apply to the humanities advisor for admission to the honors program no later than the first semester of the junior year. The requirements for graduation with special honors are

  1. A major in humanities
  2. Humanities 679H, Honors Tutorial Course, with a grade of at least A- in each half
  3. A grade of “Recommended for Special Honors” on an oral examination, conducted and graded by faculty members qualified in the student’s area of work, covering the thesis completed in Humanities 679H and a reading list
  4. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in the coursework required for the major and for honors
  5. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree
International Relations and Global Studies Honors Program

Majors who plan to seek special honors in international relations and global studies should apply to the honors advisor for admission to the honors program at least one full academic year before they expect to graduate. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 is required for admission, as is a grade point average of at least 3.50 in all coursework required for the major that the student has completed. The requirements for graduation with special honors are

  1. International Relations and Global Studies 678H, Honors Tutorial Course, with a grade of at least an A- in each half
  2. Satisfactory defense of the honors thesis completed in International Relations and Global Studies 678HB
  3. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in the coursework required for the major and for honors
  4. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree

The requirements for special honors are in addition to the requirements of the major, except that International Relations and Global Studies 678H may be counted toward the major in place of International Relations and Global Studies 378, the capstone research course.

Italian Studies Honors Program

Majors who plan to seek special honors in Italian Studies may apply to the honors advisor for admission to the honors program during the semester in which they will complete 60 semester hours of coursework. To enter the program, a student must have completed at least 60 semester hours of coursework, including 12 hours of upper-division coursework in Italian. These 12 hours must include Italian 365 or Italian Civilization 360. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average in Italian of at least 3.50 are also required for admission. The requirements for graduation with special honors, which are in addition to the requirements of the major, are

  1. Italian 379H, Honors Tutorial Course, with a grade of at least B
  2. Satisfactory performance on an honors examination
  3. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in the coursework required for the major and for honors
  4. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree
Jewish Studies Honors Program

Majors who plan to seek special honors in Jewish studies should apply to the honors advisor for admission to the honors program at the beginning of their third year; they must apply no later than the beginning of their last year before graduation. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 is required for admission. The requirements for graduation with special honors, which are in addition to the requirements for the major, are

  1. Jewish Studies 679H, Honors Tutorial Course, with a grade of A in each half
  2. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in the coursework required for the major and for honors
  3. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree
Latin American Studies Honors Program

Majors who plan to seek special honors in Latin American studies should apply to the honors advisor for admission to the honors program no later than two semesters before they expect to graduate. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average in Latin American content coursework of at least 3.50 are required for admission. The requirements for graduation with special honors are

  1. Latin American Studies 679H, Honors Tutorial Course,  with a grade of at least B in each half and approval of the thesis by both the student’s supervisor and the honors advisor
  2. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in the coursework required for the major and for honors
  3. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree
Linguistics Honors Program

Upper-division linguistics majors who plan to seek special honors in linguistics should apply to the undergraduate honors advisor for admission to the honors program no later than the beginning of their last year. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average in linguistics coursework of at least 3.50 are required for admission. The requirements for graduation with special honors, which are in addition to the requirements of the major, are

  1. Linguistics 679H, Honors Tutorial Course, with a grade of at least B in each half
  2. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in the coursework required for the major and for honors
  3. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours counted toward the degree
Mexican American and Latina/o Studies Honors Program

Students who plan to seek special honors in Mexican American and Latina/o Studies should apply to the undergraduate advisor for admission to the honors program no later than two semesters before they expect to graduate. The requirements for admission are a University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in the required coursework. The requirements for graduation with special honors are

  1. Thirty semester hours of coursework in Mexican American studies, including Mexican American Studies 679H, Honors Tutorial Course
  2. A grade of at least A in Mexican American Studies 361 or Mexican American Studies 362
  3. Mexican American Studies 679H, with a grade of at least B in each half
  4. Satisfactory performance on an oral presentation centered on the honors thesis completed in Mexican American Studies 679H
  5. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in the coursework required for the concentration and for honors
  6. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree 
Middle Eastern Studies Honors Program

Middle Eastern studies majors who plan to seek special honors in Middle Eastern studies should apply to the honors advisor for admission to the honors program no later than two semesters before they expect to graduate. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 is required for admission. The requirements for graduation with special honors, which are in addition to the requirements for the major, are

  1. Middle Eastern Studies 679HA, Honors Tutorial Course and 679HB, Honors Tutorial Course
  2. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in the coursework required for the major and for honors
  3. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree
Philosophy Honors Program

Majors who plan to seek special honors in philosophy should apply to the undergraduate advisor for admission to the honors program at least two semesters before they expect to graduate. Completion of at least nine semester hours of upper-division coursework in philosophy is required for admission, in addition to a University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average in philosophy of at least 3.50. The requirements for graduation with special honors are

  1. Philosophy 375M with a grade of at least B
  2. Philosophy 679H, Honors Tutorial Course, with a grade of at least B in both 679HA and 679HB
  3. Satisfactory performance on an oral examination centered on the thesis completed in Philosophy 679H
  4. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in the coursework required for the major and for honors
  5. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree

Philosophy 375M may be counted toward the requirements of the major; Philosophy 679H is taken in addition to the requirements of the major.

Plan II Honors Program: Special Honors

Plan II students who plan to seek special honors in Plan II should apply to the director of the Plan II Honors Program for enrollment in Tutorial Course 660H, Thesis Course: Honors, at least two semesters before they expect to graduate. A University grade point average of at least 3.50 is required. The requirements for graduation with special honors are

  1. Tutorial Course 660H with a grade of at least A in each half, or a departmental equivalent with a grade of at least A
  2. Satisfactory performance on an oral honors examination centered on the thesis completed in Tutorial Course 660H
  3. A University grade point average of at least 3.50
  4. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree
Portuguese Honors Program

Honors will be awarded to students who successfully complete a significant scholarly essay (normally 30 to 50 pages in length). This project should be done in close collaboration with a department faculty member. Majors wishing to graduate with honors should speak with the department professor with whom they want to work. The requirements for graduation with special honors are:

  1. Portuguese 379H, Honors Tutorial Course, with a grade of at least A. Portuguese 379H is offered by individual instruction. It cannot be undertaken before the senior capstone requirement, but may be taken simultaneously. Students who are admitted to the honors program conduct individual research on a literary, linguistic, or cultural topic. A faculty member in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese will supervise the student’s research and writing. A second reader is required and may be either in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese or outside of the department. Portuguese 379H is taken in addition to the major requirements.
  2. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in the coursework required for the major and for honors.
  3. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree.
Psychology Honors Program

Prospective candidates for special honors in psychology should apply to the honors advisor for admission to the honors program during the junior year. Requirements for admission are

  1. A major in psychology
  2. A University grade point average of at least 3.25 and a grade point average in psychology of at least 3.50
  3. Completion of the following before entering the honors program: Psychology 301 or the equivalent with a grade of at least C, Psychology 420M with a grade of at least C, and two additional upper-division psychology courses
  4. Consent of the honors advisor

The requirements for graduation with special honors are

  1. Thirty-three semester hours of psychology, including Psychology 458, 158H, 359H, and 379H; the student must earn grades of at least B in Psychology 359H, Honors Research I, and Psychology 379H, Honors Research II
  2. A University grade point average of at least 3.25 and a grade point average in all psychology courses of at least 3.50
  3. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree
Religious Studies Honors Program

Majors who plan to seek special honors in religious studies should apply to the honors advisor for admission to the honors program by the end of their junior year. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 is required for admission. The requirements for graduation with special honors are

  1. Thirty-three semester hours of religious studies coursework, including completion of all major requirements
  2. Religious Studies 679HA, Honors Tutorial Course Honors Tutorial Course, with a grade of at least B
  3. Religious Studies 679HB, Honors Tutorial Course Honors Tutorial Course, with a grade of  at least A and approval of the thesis by the chair of the Department of Religious Studies
  4. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in the coursework required for the major and for honors
  5. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree
Rhetoric and Writing Honors Program

Majors who plan to seek special honors in rhetoric and writing should apply to the honors advisor for admission to the program at the beginning of their third year; they must apply no later than a year before they expect to graduate. Application forms and information about the program are available from the rhetoric and writing advisor. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 is required for admission, as is a grade point average of at least 3.50 in all coursework required of the major that the student has completed.

The requirements for graduation with special honors are

  1. Rhetoric and Writing 679H, Honors Tutorial Course, with a grade of at least A- in each half
  2. A grade point average of at least 3.50 in the coursework required for the major and for honors
  3. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree.
Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies Honors Program

Majors who plan to seek special honors in Russian, East European, and Eurasian studies should apply to the honors advisor for admission to the honors program during the junior year or the first semester of the senior year. The application deadline is one week before the first registration period for the semester in which the student wants to enter the program. Requirements for graduation with special honors are

  1. Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies 679H, Honors Tutorial Course, with a grade of at least B in each half
  2. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in the coursework required for the major and for honors
  3. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree

Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies 679H, Honors Tutorial Course is taken in addition to the requirements of the major.

Sociology Honors Program

Majors applying for Sociology Honors should submit an application to the Sociology Honors Advisor. Consideration of applications for the fall semester begins on February 1st. Consideration of applications for the spring semester begins on September 15th. Applications will be considered until available slots have been filled. Requirements for admission are completion of 60 semester hours of coursework, a University grade point average of at least 3.00, and a grade point average in sociology of at least 3.50. Students must complete Sociology 302 and either 317L or an approved equivalent before applying for admission to the honors program; they should be enrolled in Sociology 327M and 379M no later than the semester in which they begin the honors thesis coursework. The requirements for graduation with honors in sociology are:

  1. Sociology 679H, Honors Tutorial Course, with a grade of at least A- in each half
  2. Satisfactory performance on an oral defense of the senior thesis completed in the second half of Sociology 679H
  3. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in the coursework required for the major and for honors
  4. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree
Spanish Honors Program

Honors will be awarded to students who successfully complete a significant scholarly essay (normally 30 to 50 pages in length). This project should be done in close collaboration with a department faculty member. Majors wishing to graduate with honors should speak with the department professor with whom they want to work. The requirements for graduation with special honors are:

  1. Spanish 377H, Honors Tutorial Course with a grade of at least A. Spanish 377H is offered by individual instruction. It cannot be undertaken before the senior capstone requirement, but may be taken simultaneously. Students who are admitted to the honors program conduct individual research on a literary, linguistic, or cultural topic. A faculty member in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese will supervise the student’s research and writing. A second reader is required and may be either in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese or outside of the department. Spanish 377H is taken in addition to the major requirements.
  2. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in the coursework required for the major and for honors.
  3. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree.
Sustainability Studies Honors Program

Majors who plan to seek special honors in sustainability studies should apply to the honors advisor for admission to the honors program no later than two semesters before they expect to graduate.  A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average in geography of at least 3.50 are required for admission.  The requirements for graduation with special honors are in addition to the requirements for the major; however, honors students may substitute Sustainability Studies 679H for Sustainability Studies 374.  The requirements are 

  1. Sustainability Studies 679H, Honors Tutorial Course, with a grade of at least A- in each half
  2. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average 3.50 in the coursework required for the major and for honors. 
  3. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree.  
Urban Studies Honors Program

Majors who plan to seek special honors in urban studies should apply to the honors advisor for admission to the honors program at the beginning of their third year; they must apply no later than a year before they expect to graduate. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 is required for admission. The requirements for graduation with special honors are in addition to the requirements for the major; however, honors students may substitute Urban Studies 679H for Urban Studies 370. The requirements are

  1. Urban Studies 679H, Honors Tutorial Course, with a grade of at least A- in each half
  2. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in the coursework required for the major and for honors
  3. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree
Women’s and Gender Studies Honors Program

Majors who plan to seek special honors in women’s and gender studies should apply to the honors advisor or undergraduate advisor for admission to the honors program no later than two semesters before they expect to graduate; the applicant must be recommended by the faculty member who will supervise the honors work. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average in women’s and gender studies of at least 3.50 are required for admission. The requirements for graduation with special honors, which are in addition to the requirements for the major, are

  1. Women's and Gender Studies 679H, Honors Tutorial Course, with a grade of at least A- in each half
  2. Satisfactory performance on a comprehensive oral examination centered on the thesis completed in Women's and Gender Studies 679H, Honors Tutorial Course
  3. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in the coursework required for the major and for honors
  4. Completion in residence at the University of at least 60 semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree

Scholastic Honorary Societies

In addition to Alpha Lambda Delta and Phi Eta Sigma, honor societies for qualified freshman students in all academic fields, the University sponsors chapters of the following national organizations for which College of Liberal Arts students are eligible.

  • Alpha Epsilon Delta. National honorary premedical fraternity for students who have completed at least three semesters of premedical work.
  • Alpha Kappa Delta. National honorary sociology fraternity.
  • Delta Phi Alpha. National honorary German fraternity.
  • Dobro Slovo. National honorary Slavic fraternity.
  • Eta Sigma Phi. National honorary classical languages fraternity.
  • Gamma Theta Upsilon. National honorary geography fraternity.
  • Iota Iota Iota. National honorary Women’s Studies society.
  • Kappa Kappa Psi. National honorary band fraternity.
  • Mortar Board. National honorary society for seniors.
  • Omicron Delta Epsilon. National honorary economics fraternity.
  • Omicron Delta Kappa. National honorary leadership fraternity.
  • Phi Alpha Theta. National honorary history fraternity.
  • Phi Beta Kappa. National honorary society recognizing academic achievement in the arts and sciences.
  • Phi Kappa Phi. National honor society open to students in all academic fields.
  • Pi Delta Phi. National honorary French fraternity.
  • Pi Sigma Alpha. National honorary political science fraternity.
  • Psi Chi. National honorary psychology fraternity.
  • Sigma Delta Pi. National honorary Spanish fraternity.
  • Sigma Tau Delta. National honorary English society.
  • Tau Beta Sigma. National honorary band society.