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Student Parking

Students who drive or park a vehicle on campus must purchase a permit from Parking and Transportation Services (PTS). To park within the campus boundaries, a proper permit must be displayed as required. Purchase of a surface lot permit (A, C, D, M, N) does not assure a parking space in a specific lot. Purchase of a garage permit (R, S, N+) generally assures an unassigned parking space in the garage in which it is valid.

Policies, fees, and regulations are given below. For the most recent information, a student should visit the PTS Web site, , visit the PTS office on the first level of the Trinity Parking Garage (1815 Trinity Street), or call (512) 471-park (471-7275).

Students are eligible for the following types of parking permits:

  1. Class C (surface student) parking permits are available to all students enrolled at the University. The fee is $120 for the year. This permit allows parking in C and Longhorn lots.
  2. Class C+ (surface student plus night garage access) parking permits are available to all students enrolled at the University. The fee is $180 per year. This permit allows parking in C and Longhorn lots. It also allows parking in University garages, within the limits given for night garage access (N+) permits in item 9 below.
  3. Class A (surface faculty/staff) parking permits are available to University graduate students who are also employed by the University for at least twenty hours a week. The student’s employment must be verified by a signed copy of the appointment or reappointment form or a letter from the dean, director, or department chair. The fee is $142 a year. This permit allows parking in A parking areas, in Longhorn lots, and in C lots after 2:00 pm.
  4. Class D (student with disabilities) parking permits are available to University students with disabilities. The applicant must present a state-issued license plate or placard for the disabled and a copy of his or her Texas Department of Transportation VTR214 form with a doctor’s signature. The fee is $120 a year. Individuals whose vehicles display both a valid University permit for the disabled and the appropriate state-issued license plate or placard may park in any space with a D or handicap designation.
    A student whose vehicle displays the disabled veteran license plate or Congressional Medal of Honor recipient’s license plate or placard is exempt from the payment of all parking fees on campus but must display the Class D parking permit.
    Temporary permits are also available at the PTS office for people with temporary disabilities affecting mobility.
  5. Class M (motorcycle/moped/motor scooter) parking permits are available to any University student or faculty or staff member. The fee is $72 a year, but there is no charge for a Class M permit with the purchase of another permit except an R, N, or N+ permit. The Class M permit allows parking in M parking areas; motorcycles, mopeds, and motor scooters may not be parked in automobile parking areas between 7:30 am and 4:00 pm Monday through Friday.
  6. Class R (garage resident student) parking permits are available to residents of University-owned housing located on the main campus. The fee is $376, $392, or $413 for a semester, or $677, $705, or $743 for nine months, depending on the garage. Nine-month Class R permits purchased in the fall are valid through May 31 of the following year. Students may purchase a permit for the summer session for an additional fee of $170. The Class R permit allows parking in R areas in the designated garage; it also allows parking in Longhorn lots.
  7. Class S (garage commuting student) parking permits are available to University students who live off campus. The fee is $287 per semester, $131 for the summer session, or $602 for twelve months. Class S permits allow parking in the garage designated on the permit and in Longhorn lots.
  8. Class N (night surface access) parking permits are available to anyone affiliated with the University. The fee is $36 for the year. Class N permits allow parking Monday through Thursday from 5:45 pm to 7:30 am and from Friday at 5:45 pm until Monday at 7:30 am in otherwise unrestricted spaces and in spaces that require any UT permit.
  9. Class N+ (night garage access) parking permits are available to anyone affiliated with the University. The fee is $60 for the year. Class N+ permits allow surface parking within the limits described for the Class N permit. In addition, they allow parking when space is available in any University garage from 5:00 pm to 4:00 am, Monday through Thursday, and from 5:00 pm Friday to 4:00 am Monday. Class N+ permits are only valid in the evenings for surface lots.

Class C, C+, M, N, N+ and A permits purchased in the fall semester are valid through August 31 of the following year. Permits purchased after September 30 are prorated monthly. Permit refunds are offered during the add/drop period for the semester that the permit was purchased, and replacement permits are available for a nominal fee.

Parking may be restricted in any garage or surface lot for special events.

The following charges for violation of parking and traffic regulations have been submitted to the Board of Regents for their review/approval prior to the start of the 2013-2014 academic year. Parking and Transportation Services reserves the right to refer any violator to the Office of the Dean of Students or the appropriate academic dean, chair, or director.

Violation Penalty
Unauthorized parking in an “At All Times” space.$75.00
Improper method of parking.$35.00
Disabled vehicle.1$75.00
Unauthorized special event parking.$75.00
Inhabiting a vehicle of any kind on University property without authorization.$75.00
Parking overtime at a meter.$20.00
Improper use of a controlled access area or a key card.$75.00
Unauthorized parking in a space reserved for persons with disabilities.2$200.00
Unauthorized parking in Thompson Conference Center or LBJ Library lot.$35.00
Moped/motorcycle/motorbike parked in a space designated for four-wheeled vehicles.$25.00
Unregistered bicycle.$15.00
Bicycle or EPAMD parking in areas other than those designated for bicycles.2$25.00
Violating temporary parking restrictions.$35.00
Parked in violation of set time parameters.$35.00
Idling at air intake louvers.$35.00
Failure to display proper permit on a registered vehicle. (Three warning tickets per academic year, then $15.00 per incident.)$15.00
Possession, counterfeiting, or altering of a University permit and/or possession of lost, stolen, or invalid permit. The cost of the permit is added to the penalty.$250.00
Obstruction to vehicular or pedestrian traffic.1$35.00
Parking in a fire lane, at a fire hydrant, or on a red or yellow curb.$75.00
Parking or driving on sidewalks, grass, or shrubbery. The cost of repairs is added to the penalty.$35.00
Improper passenger pickup and drop off.$35.00
Exceeding 15 miles per hour speed limit or other posted speed limit on campus.$75.00
Violation of an official traffic control device, such as a STOP or YIELD sign.$75.00
Moving violation of Texas motor vehicle laws not otherwise specified in these rules and regulations.$75.00
Other nonmoving violation of Texas motor vehicle laws.$75.00
Moving a barricade or parking within any barricaded area or moving a vehicle without permission of owner/operator.1$35.00
Failure to stop and heed instructions given by a University police officer or guard.$75.00
Parking or operating a motor vehicle while privileges are suspended.2$200.00
Roller-skating, skateboarding, or operating a scooter on campus.$15.00
Having a vehicle of any type within a University building (except a parking facility).$20.00
Parking without authorized valid permit.$35.00
Theft of property or damaging property by unauthorized boot removal. The replacement cost of damaged property is added to the penalty.$250.00
Improper exit from a University parking garage. The maximum daily fee is also assessed.2$75.00
Vehicle relocation or towing.$125.00


    1. Offense is subject to citation and vehicle impoundment.
    2. Penalty doubles upon second offense; subsequent violations are subject to vehicle immobilization or impoundment.

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