This is an archived copy of the 2015-16 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Department of Management

Management: MAN

Lower-Division Courses

Upper-Division Courses

MAN 320F. Foundations of Management and Organizational Behavior.

Restricted to non-McCombs School of Business majors. An introduction to the management of organizations. Issues are addressed from the perspectives of strategy and planning, organizational behavior, and operations management. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Management 320F and 336 may not both be counted. May not be counted toward the Bachelor of Business Administration degree. Prerequisite: Upper-division standing.

MAN 325. Strategic Human Resources Management.

Restricted to students in a business major. Overview of the personnel function, covering recruitment, compensation, equal employment, job analysis, training, benefits, employee discipline, collective bargaining, safety, and health. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Credit or registration for Management 336 or 336H.

MAN 328. Consulting and Change Management.

Restricted to students in a business major. Designed to develop the fundamental change knowledge and consulting skills of students who plan to work with organizations as change agents, whether internally as managerial employees or externally as outside consultants. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Management 336 or 336H with a grade of at least C-.

MAN 336. Organizational Behavior.

Restricted to students in a business major. The process of managing organizations and the behavior of individuals and groups within the organizational setting. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Management 336 and 336H may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Credit or registration for Business Administration 324 or 324H; and credit or registration for three semester hours of coursework in anthropology, psychology, or sociology.

MAN 336H. Organizational Behavior: Honors.

Restricted to students admitted to the McCombs School of Business Honors Program. An exploration of the process of managing organizations and the behavior of individuals and groups within the organizational setting. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Management 336 and 336H may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Accounting 312H; credit or registration for Business Administration 324 or 324H; and thirty semester hours of coursework, including credit or registration for three semester hours of coursework in anthropology, psychology, or sociology.

MAN 337. Special Topics in Management.

Analysis of contemporary management problems. Three lecture hours or two lecture hours and one laboratory/discussion hour a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Varies with the topic.

Topic 9: Leadership Issues. Restricted to students in a business major. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Management 336 or 336H with a grade of at least C-.
Topic 20: Entrepreneurial Management. Restricted to students in a business major. Covers the life cycle of an entrepreneurial business, including evaluating the attractiveness of an idea, launching and growing the business, and harvesting the profits. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Additional prerequisite: Accounting 311 or 311H; Management 336 or 336H with a grade of at least C-; and credit or registration for Finance 357 or 357H.
Topic 21: The Art and Science of Negotiation. Restricted to students in a business major. Designed to help students develop a broad array of negotiation skills and to understand negotiations in useful analytical frameworks. Emphasis is placed on simulations, role-playing, and cases. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Management 336 or 336H with a grade of at least C-.
Topic 22: Women in Management. Additional prerequisite: Completion of forty-five semester hours of coursework.

MAN 137C. Introduction to Management in a Global Environment.

Restricted to students accepted to the Global Management Certificate program. Develops students' skills in recognizing cultural tendencies, both in themselves and in new geographic locations; introduces observation and reflection techniques to maximize learning while abroad. Course must be taken before participation in the international experience component required by the Global Management Certificate. One lecture hour a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted toward the Global Management Certificate: Applied Learning and Development 119, 219, 319, 419, 519, 619, 179, 279, Liberal Arts 119, 219, 319, 129, 229, 329, Management 137C, 337 (Topic: Intercultural Management), 379, 479, 579, 679. Offered on the letter-grade basis only.

MAN 237D. Global Management Capstone.

Restricted to students accepted to the Global Management Certificate program. Develops students' ability to process and articulate learning from intercultural experience; develops skills in applying knowledge and strategies gained in one region/country to new cultural and geopolitical contexts. Two lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Management 137C, completion of required international experience component of the Global Management Certificate, and consent of instructor.

MAN 140S, 240S, 340S, 440S, 540S, 640S, 740S, 840S, 940S. Topics in Management.

This course is used to record credit the student earns while enrolled at another institution in a program administered by the University's Study Abroad Office or the school's BBA Exchange Programs. Credit is recorded as assigned by the study abroad adviser in the Department of Management. University credit is awarded for work in an exchange program; it may be counted as coursework taken in residence. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary.

MAN 353. Internship in Management.

Restricted to students in a business major. Focuses on students' career goals through academic discussion and evaluations, while placing students in professional internships with public and private enterprises. Internship and discussion hours to be arranged. Only one of the following may be counted toward the Bachelor of Business Administration: Accounting 353J, Business Administration 353, 353H, Finance 353, Management 353, Management Information Systems 353, Marketing 353, Operations Management 353. May not be counted toward the student's major requirement. Offered on the pass/fail basis only. Prerequisite: Completion of forty-five semester hours of college coursework and consent of the departmental internship coordinator.

MAN 366P. Management Practicum.

Students apply skills in their major area and focus on additional project management skills through group projects conducted in a professional setting. Students may work with a private or a public enterprise. The equivalent of three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Sixty semester hours of college coursework and consent of instructor.

MAN 367P. Studies in Social Entrepreneurship.

Students apply skills and focus on readying chosen projects to increase awareness and understanding of business and economics issues, and prepare presentation teams for regional and national competitions based on criteria set by the international Enactus organization. The equivalent of three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Junior standing and consent of instructor.

MAN 374. General Management and Strategy.

Restricted to students in a business major. Designed to enable students to analyze business situations from the point of view of the practicing general manager. Addresses key tasks involved in general management, including strategic decisions that ensure the long-term health of the entire firm or a major division. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Management 374 and 374H may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Seventy-five semester hours of coursework, including: Management 336 or 336H; credit or registration for Finance 357 or 357H, and Marketing 337 or 337H; and credit or registration for one of the following: Accounting 353J, 366P, Business Administration 353, 353H, Finance 353, 366P, Management 353, 366P, 367P, Management Information Systems 353, 366P, Marketing 353, 366P, Operations Management 353, or 366P.

MAN 374H. General Management and Strategy: Honors.

Restricted to students admitted to the McCombs School of Business Honors Program. Designed to enable students to analyze business situations from the point of view of the practicing general manager. Addresses key tasks involved in general management, including strategic decisions that ensure the long-term health of the entire firm or a major division. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Management 374 and 374H may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Senior standing; Finance 357 or 357H; Management 336 or 336H; Marketing 337 or 337H; credit or registration for Operations Management 335 or 335H; and credit or registration for one of the following: Accounting 353J, 366P, Business Administration 353, 353H, Finance 353, 366P, Management 353, 366P, 367P, Management Information Systems 353, or 366P.

MAN 179C, 379C. Independent Research in Management.

Restricted to students in a business major. Conference course. Only two of the following may be counted toward the Bachelor of Business Administration: Accounting 179C, 379C, Business, Government, and Society 179, 379, Finance 179C, 379C, International Business 179C, 379C, Legal Environment of Business 179, 379, Management 179C, 379C, Management Information Systems 179, 379, Marketing 179C, 379C, Operations Management 179, 379, Real Estate 179C, 379C, Risk Management 179, 379. Prerequisite: Eighteen semester hours of coursework in business and economics, six of which must be upper-division; Management 336 or 336H with a grade of at least C-; consent of instructor; written approval before the first meeting of the course from the department chair's office on forms provided for that purpose.