Middle Eastern Studies Courses
Middle Eastern Studies: MES
Lower-Division Courses
MES 301C. Gateway to the Middle East.
Same as Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 301. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 301 and Middle Eastern Studies 301C may not both be counted.
MES 301J. The Ancient Middle East.
Same as Ancient History and Classical Civilization 310 (Topic 3), History 306Q, and Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 301J. Survey the history of the Middle East from the beginning of the Neolithic period (9000 BCE) through the invasion of the region by Alexander the Great in 332 BCE and into the pre-Islamic era. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Ancient History and Classical Civilization 310 (Topic 3), History 306Q, Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 301J, Middle Eastern Studies 301J.
MES 301K. Introduction to the Middle East: Religious, Cultural, and Historical Foundations.
Same as History 306K and Religious Studies 314K. A survey of the history and civilization of the Middle East from the sixth to the fourteenth century. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: History 306K, Middle Eastern Studies 301K, Religious Studies 314 (Topic: Intro M East: Rel/Cul/Hist Fnd), 314K.
MES 301L. Introduction to the Middle East: Adjustment and Change in Modern Times.
Same as Government 303D and History 306J. The responses of the societies of the Middle East and North Africa (Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Israel, and the Arab world) to Western cultural and political challenges, primarily since about 1800. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Government 303D, 314 (Topic 3), History 306J, 306N (Topic 5), Middle Eastern Studies 301L.
MES 310. Topics in Middle Eastern Studies.
Studies of areas and issues in the Middle East and North Africa. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary.
Topic 4: Social Transformation of Love and Relationships. Same as Sociology 308L. Examination of the social, psychological, and spiritual perspectives toward the ideas of love and intimacy; how love and intimacy interact with rapid social, economic, and cultural change; and how the subsequent change transformed the social world and the meaning of love. Subjects include the aspects of self and identity; differentiation in the context of love in the modern age; the family and the individual; the impact of industrialization on private lives and the public order; gender, communication, love; intercultural love and intimacy; and personal choice and arranged marriages. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Middle Eastern Studies 310 (Topic: Social Transformation of Love and Relationships), 310 (Topic 4), Sociology 308 (Topic: Social Transformation of Love and Relationships), 308L.
Topic 5: Introduction to Music in World Cultures. Same as Music 303M. Exploration of practices, beliefs, and issues through the study of various musical genres in the regions of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, the Pacific, Europe, and the Americas. Three lecture hours a week for one semester, with additional hours to be arranged. Only one of the following may be counted: Asian Studies 303M, Middle Eastern Studies 310 (Topic: Introduction to Music In World Cultures), 310 (Topic 5), Music 303M.
Topic 6: Jewish Civilization: Beginnings to 1492. Same as History 306N (Topic 10), Jewish Studies 304M, and Religious Studies 313M. Introduction to the history, culture, and religion of the Jewish people from around 1000 BC to the end of the medieval period. Subjects may include ancient Israel, late Second Temple sectarianism, the rise of Christianity, rabbinic Judaism, medieval Jewish philosophy, Jewish mysticism, and Hebrew poetry. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: History 306N (Topic: Jewish Civilization I), 306N (Topic 10), Jewish Studies 304M, 311 (Topic: Jewish Civilization I), Middle Eastern Studies 310 (Topic: Jewish Civilization: Beginnings to 1492), 310 (Topic 6), Religious Studies 313 (Topic: Jewish Civilization I), 313M.
Topic 8: Introduction to Jewish Studies. Same as Anthropology 311D, Jewish Studies 301, and Religious Studies 313D. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Anthropology 310L (Topic: Jewish Studies: An Introduction), 311D, Jewish Studies 301, 311 (Topic: Jewish Studies: An Introduction), Middle Eastern Studies 310 (Topic: Jewish Studies: An Introduction), 310 (Topic 8), Religious Studies 313 (Topic: Jewish Studies: An Introduction), 313D.
MES 310C. Introduction to the Old Testament.
Same as Core Texts and Ideas 305G, Jewish Studies 311 (Topic 4), and Religious Studies 313C. Introduction to the many interpretations of the Hebrew Bible (the Old Testament) and its meaning in the context of its historical and cultural setting in the ancient Near East. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Core Texts and Ideas 305G, Jewish Studies 311 (Topic 4), Middle Eastern Studies 310 (Topic 3), 310C, Religious Studies 313C.
MES 310D. Introduction to Islam.
Same as Asian Studies 301M (Topic 15), History 306N (Topic 7), and Religious Studies 319. The beliefs, theology, history, and main social and legal institutions of Islam, including the concept of God and society, the role of women, and Islamic government and movements. Three lecture hours or two lecture hours and one discussion hour a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Asian Studies 301M (Topic 15), History 306N (Topic 7), Islamic Studies 310, Middle Eastern Studies 310D, Religious Studies 319.
MES 310N. Introduction to Modern North Africa.
Same as History 306N (Topic 12) and Religious Studies 317N. Introduction to the major themes of North African history from the sixteenth century to the present. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: History 306N (Topic: Intro to Modern North Africa), 306N (Topic 12), Middle Eastern Studies 310 (Topic: Intro Modern North Africa), 310N, Religious Studies 317 (Topic: Intro Modern North Africa), 317N.
MES 310P. Revolution and Decolonization in North Africa.
Same as History 310P. Examine the history of anti-colonial struggles in North Africa and the victory over European colonial powers. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: History 306N (Topic: Revltn/Decoloniztn N Africa), 310P, Middle Eastern Studies 310 (Topic: Revltn/Decoloniztn N Africa), 310P.
MES 310R. Introduction to Middle East Religions.
Same as Jewish Studies 310R and Religious Studies 310R. Introduction to the religious landscape of the Middle East including the various expressions of Eastern Christianity, Islam, and Judaism as well as Zoroastrianism. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Islamic Studies 310R, Jewish Studies 310R, Middle Eastern Studies 310R, Religious Studies 310R.
MES 311. The History of Israel.
Same as History 311J and Jewish Studies 311 (Topic 7). An introduction to the history of Israel, from the emergence of the modern Zionist movement beginning in 1881 to the present. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: History 306N (Topic: History of Israel), 311J, Jewish Studies 311 (Topic: History of Israel), 311 (Topic 7), Middle Eastern Studies 310 (Topic: History of Israel), 311.
MES 311C. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam: An Introduction.
Same as History 304R, Jewish Studies 311 (Topic 2), and Religious Studies 304. Examines the intertwined historical developments of the religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and explores the principal beliefs and practices of Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Core Texts and Ideas 304 (Topic: Judiam, Christianity, Islam), History 304R, Islamic Studies 311 (Topic 2), Jewish Studies 311 (Topic 11), Middle Eastern Studies 311C, Religious Studies 304.
MES 119S, 219S, 319S, 419S, 519S, 619S, 719S, 819S, 919S. Topics in Middle Eastern Studies.
This course is used to record credit the student earns while enrolled at another institution in a program administered by the University's Study Abroad Office. Credit is recorded as assigned by the study abroad adviser in the Department of Middle Eastern Studies. University credit is awarded to work in an exchange program; it may be counted as coursework taken in residence. Transfer credit is awarded for work in an affiliated studies program. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary.
Upper-Division Courses
MES 323C. Engaging the Middle East.
Same as Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 323. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 323 and Middle Eastern Studies 323C may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Upper-division standing; Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 301 or Middle Eastern Studies 301C.
MES 127. Middle Eastern Cultural Exchange.
Provides an opportunity for students to interact with peer groups in Middle Eastern countries in which Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, and Turkish are spoken. Students engage in a variety of cultural activities and correspond with peer groups via blogs and Internet discussion forums. One lecture hour a week for one semester. Offered on the pass/fail basis only. Prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
MES 129S, 229S, 329S, 429S, 529S, 629S, 729S, 829S, 929S. Topics in Middle Eastern Studies.
This course is used to record credit the student earns while enrolled at another institution in a program administered by the University's Study Abroad Office. Credit is recorded as assigned by the study abroad adviser in the Department of Middle Eastern Studies. University credit is awarded for work in an exchange program; it may be counted as coursework taken in residence. Transfer credit is awarded for work in an affiliated studies program. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary.
MES 331C. History of the Ottoman Empire.
Same as History 331C. A survey of Ottoman society and culture and of the empire's place on the world scene. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
MES 334C. Music Cultures of the Middle East, Past and Present.
Same as History 334C. A historical and ethnomusicological survey of the Arab, Turkish, and Persian music cultures. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
MES 341. Topics in the Middle East: Social Science.
Three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Varies with the topic.
Topic 3: The Cities of the Middle East. Same as Anthropology 324L (Topic 51). Anthropological and sociological analysis of space, with a special emphasis on urban theory and culture in the Middle East. Only one of the following may be counted: Anthropology 324L (Topic 51), Islamic Studies 373 (Topic 9), Middle Eastern Studies 341 (Topic 3), Urban Studies 354 (Topic 15). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 4: Development Communication. Same as Radio-Television-Film 342 (Topic 6). Middle Eastern Studies 341 (Topic 4) and Radio-Television-Film 342 (Topic 6) may not both be counted.
Topic 5: Arab-Israeli Politics. Same as Government 320L. In-depth study of domestic, regional, and international factors involved in politics in the Middle East, including simulation of diplomatic interaction in the Arab-Israeli conflict. Government 320L and Middle Eastern Studies 341 (Topic 5) may not both be counted. Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 6: Negotiating Urbanization: Case Studies in Turkey. Same as Urban Studies 354 (Topic 9). Examines local and transnational forces that have driven and continue to drive contemporary urbanization in Turkey. Focuses on key issues that emerge in rapidly growing cities of the developing world, such as growing income inequality and socioeconomic exclusion, environmental challenges, and rising violence. Only one of the following may be counted: Middle Eastern Studies 326 (Topic: Negotiating Urbanization in the Middle East: Case Studies in Turkey), 341 (Topic 6), Turkish 372 (Topic: Negotiating Urbanization in the Middle East: Case Studies in Turkey), Urban Studies 354 (Topic: Negotiating Urbanization in the Middle East: Case Studies in Turkey), 354 (Topic 9).
Topic 7: Gender Politics in the Islamic World. Same as Religious Studies 358G, Sociology 336G, and Women's and Gender Studies 340 (Topic 44). Study of the Islamic world and major sociological concepts such as gender, social organizations, culture, and politics. Examines how culture is mediated by politics, resulting in diverse interpretations of Islam and in different policies with respect to women's rights. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Islamic Studies 373 (Topic 11), Middle Eastern Studies 341 (Topic 7), Religious Studies 358 (Topic 8), 358G, Sociology 336G, Women's and Gender Studies 340 (Topic 44). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 8: Multicultural Israel. Same as Anthropology 322D and Jewish Studies 365C. Examines the complex social fabric that comprises contemporary Israeli society, and that shapes Israeli identity, practice and politics. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Anthropology 322D, 325L (Topic: Multicultural Israel), Jewish Studies 365 (Topic: Multicultural Israel), 365C, Middle Eastern Studies 341 (Topic: Multicultural Israel), 341 (Topic 8). Additional prerequisite: Upper division standing.
Topic 9: Islam and Politics. Same as Government 364C and Religious Studies 358C. An introduction to Islamic political thought. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Government 364C, 365N (Topic: Islam and Politics), Islamic Studies 373 (Topic: Islam and Politics), 373 (Topic 19), Middle Eastern Studies 341 (Topic: Islam and Politics), 341 (Topic 9), Religious Studies 358 (Topic: Islam and Politics), 358C. Additional prerequisite: Upper division standing.
Topic 10: Cultural Geographies of Israel. Same as Anthropology 322G and Jewish Studies 365D. Examines critical spatial theory, landscape phenomenology, histories of Zionist architecture and urban planning as applied to Israel from the Yishuv period to the present. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Anthropology 322G, Jewish Studies 311 (Topic: Israel: Space/Place/Landscape), 365D, Middle Eastern Studies 341 (Topic 10). Additional prerequisite: Upper division standing.
Topic 11: Rule of Law in the Middle East. Same as Government 366O and Religious Studies 358L. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Government 366O, Islamic Studies 373 (Topic 25), Middle Eastern Studies 341 (Topic 11), Religious Studies 358L. Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 12: Muslim Women in Politics. Same as Anthropology 324N, Religious Studies 358D, and Women's and Gender Studies 340 (Topic 56). Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Anthropology 324L (Topic: Muslim Women in Politics), 324N, Islamic Studies 372 (Topic 23), Middle Eastern Studies 341 (Topic 12), Religious Studies 358 (Topic 19), 358D, Women's and Gender Studies 340 (Topic 56). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 13: Sex and Sexuality in the Muslim World. Same as Religious Studies 358J, Sociology 342S, and Women's and Gender Studies 335 (Topic 20). Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Islamic Studies 372 (Topic: Sex/Sexuality Muslim World), 372 (Topic 25), Middle Eastern Studies 341 (Topic 13), Religious Studies 358 (Topic: Sex/Sexuality Muslim World), 358J, Sociology 321K (Topic: Sex/Sexuality Muslim World), 342S, Women's and Gender Studies 335 (Topic: Sex/Sexuality Muslim World), 335 (Topic 20). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 18: Contemporary Jerusalem. Same as Anthropology 323Q, Jewish Studies 365 (Topic 18), and Religious Studies 365K. Explore what life is like in today's contested, rapidly growing, and increasingly diverse Jerusalem. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Anthropology 323Q, Jewish Studies 365 (Topic: Contemporary Jerusalem), 365 (Topic 18), Middle Eastern Studies 341 (Topic 18), Religious Studies 365K. Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
MES 342. Topics in the Middle East: Arts and Humanities.
Three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Varies with the topic.
Topic 1: Introduction to Arabic Literature. Same as Comparative Literature 323 (Topic 13) and Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 1). General survey of major themes, genres, and artists in the Arabic literary tradition from the sixth century to the modern era. Only one of the following may be counted: Comparative Literature 323 (Topic 13), Islamic Studies 373 (Topic 1), Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 1), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic 1). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 2: Loyalty and Rebellion in Arabic Literature. Same as Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 2). Only one of the following may be counted: Islamic Studies 373 (Topic 2), Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 2), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic 2). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 3: Memory and Identity in Ancient Arabia. Same as Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 3). Only one of the following may be counted: Islamic Studies 373 (Topic 3), Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 3), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic 3). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 4: The Arabian Nights. Same as Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 4). Only one of the following may be counted: Islamic Studies 373 (Topic 4), Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 4), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic 4). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 5: Israel Through Its Literature. Same as Comparative Literature 323 (Topic 15), Jewish Studies 363 (Topic 17), and Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 5). Only one of the following may be counted: Comparative Literature 323 (Topic: Introduction to Israeli Literature), Comparative Literature 323 (Topic 15), English 322 (Topic: Introduction to Israeli Literature), Jewish Studies 363 (Topic 17), Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 5), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic 5). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 6: Love and the State in Contemporary Israeli Literature. Same as Jewish Studies 363 (Topic 7) and Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 6). Only one of the following may be counted: Comparative Literature 323 (Topic: Love and State in Contemporary Israeli Literature), English 322 (Topic: Love and State in Contemporary Israeli Literature), Jewish Studies 363 (Topic 7), Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 6), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic 6), Women's and Gender Studies 340 (Topic: Love and State in Contemporary Israeli Literature). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 7: Postmodernist Israeli Literature. Same as Jewish Studies 363 (Topic 19) and Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 7). Study of the first decades of Israeli literature. Themes include the establishment of a new state in the aftermath of the Holocaust, conflict between Israel and Arab nations, and conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. Only one of the following may be counted: Comparative Literature 323 (Topic: Postmodernist Israeli Literature), English 322 (Topic: Postmodernist Israeli Literature), Jewish Studies 363 (Topic 19), Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 7), 342 (Topic 7). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 8: The Sacred and the Secular in Contemporary Jewish Literature. Same as Jewish Studies 363 (Topic 10), Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 8), and Religious Studies 353L. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Jewish Studies 363 (Topic 10), Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 8), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic 8), Religious Studies 353 (Topic 3), 353L. Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 9: Mizrahi Writing in Israel. Same as Hebrew 346 (Topic 9) and Jewish Studies 363 (Topic 8). Only one of the following may be counted: Hebrew 346 (Topic 9), Jewish 363 (Topic 8), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic 9). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing, and Hebrew 412L (or 312L) or 320L with a grade of at least C.
Topic 10: Persian Literature, Past and Present. Same as Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 10). Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 10) and Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic 10) may not both be counted. Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 11: Iranian Women Writers. Same as Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 11) and Women's and Gender Studies 340 (Topic 10). Only one of the following may be counted: Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 11), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic 11), WGS 340 (Topic 10). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 13: Iranian Literature in Exile. Same as Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 13). Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 13) and Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic 13) may not both be counted. Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 14: Iranian Film and Fiction. Same as Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 14). Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 14) and Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic 14) may not both be counted. Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 16: The Qur'an. Same as Comparative Literature 323 (Topic 37), Core Texts and Ideas 375 (Topic 1), Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 9), Religious Studies 325G, and Women's and Gender Studies 340 (Topic 54). The history, language, style, and themes of the Qur'an. Only one of the following may be counted: Comparative Literature 323 (Topic 37), Core Texts and Ideas 375 (Topic 1), Islamic Studies 340 (Topic 2), Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 9), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic 16), Religious Studies 325G, Women's and Gender Studies 340 (Topic 54). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 19: Self-Revelation in Women's Writing. Same as African and African Diaspora Studies 330N, Comparative Literature 323 (Topic 4), and Women's and Gender Studies 340 (Topic 14). Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: African and African Diaspora Studies 330N, 372E (Topic 8), Comparative Literature 323 (Topic 4), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic 19), Women's and Gender Studies 340 (Topic 14).
Topic 20: Autobiography: A Modern Literary Species. Same as Comparative Literature 323 (Topic 3). Only one of the following may be counted: Comparative Literature 323 (Topic 3), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic 20), Women's and Gender Studies 340 (Topic: Autobiography: A Modern Literary Species). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 22: Biblical Archaeology. Only one of the following may be counted: Anthropology 324L (Topic: Biblical Archaeology), History 364G (Topic: Biblical Archaeology), Jewish Studies 361 (Topic: Biblical Archaeology), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic 22), Religious Studies 353 (Topic: Biblical Archaeology). Prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 23: The Dead Sea Scrolls. Same as Ancient History and Classical Civilization 330 (Topic 1), History 364E, Jewish Studies 364 (Topic 4), Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 17), and Religious Studies 353D. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Ancient History and Classical Civilization 330 (Topic 1), History 364G (Topic 3), 364E, Jewish Studies 364 (Topic 4), Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 17), Middle Easterm Studies 342 (Topic 23), Religious Studies 353D. Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 25: Politics of Court Literature. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Arabic 360L (Topic 3), Islamic Studies 373 (Topic 6), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic 25). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 26: Arab Women Poets. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Arabic 360L (Topic 2), Islamic Studies 373 (Topic 7), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic 26). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 27: Islamic Law. Same as Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 19), Religious Studies 358K, and Women's and Gender Studies 340 (Topic 27). Designed to give students a foundation in the substantive teachings of the shariah, which comprises not only what we normally think of as law, but also ethics and etiquette. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Islamic Studies 340 (Topic 5), Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic: Islamic Law), 321 (Topic 19), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic 27), Religious Studies 358 (Topic: Islamic Law), 358 (Topic 9), 358K, Women's and Gender Studies 340 (Topic 27). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 28: Gender in North and West Africa. Same as African and African Diaspora Studies 340S, Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 16), and Women's and Gender Studies 340 (Topic 34). Examines gender discourses through North African and West African literary works by looking at the role(s) played by Islam and Christianity in the creation of the identities of African men and women. Includes discussion of the question of what gender is, and whether it is socially constructed. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: African and African Diaspora Studies 340S, 372G (Topic 5), Islamic Studies 373 (Topic 8), Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 16), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic 28), Women's and Gender Studies 340 (Topic 34). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 31: Palestine and the Palestinians: A Journey Through Time. Same as Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 21). Three lecture hours per week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Arabic 360L (Topic: Palestine and the Palestinians), 360L (Topic 10), Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 21), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic 31). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 32: Women Filmmakers in the Middle East. Same as Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 23) and Women's and Gender Studies 340 (Topic 55). Only one of the following may be counted: Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 23), Middle Eastern Studies 322K (Topic: Women Filmmakers in the Middle East), 342 (Topic 32), Turkish 372 (Topic: Women Filmmakers in the Middle East), Women's and Gender Studies 340 (Topic: Women Filmmakers in the Middle East), 340 (Topic 55). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 33: Love in the East and West. Same as Comparative Literature 323 (Topic 36), Core Texts and Ideas 343, and Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 25). Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Comparative Literature 323 (Topic 36), Core Texts and Ideas 343, 345 (Topic 10), Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 25), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic 33). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 35: Islamic Theology. Same as Core Texts and Ideas 357, Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 27), and Religious Studies 358U. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Core Texts and Ideas 375 (Topic 2), 357, Islamic Studies 340 (Topic 7), Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 27), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic 35), Religious Studies 358 (Topic 14), 358U. Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 36: Rumi and the Persian Sufi Tradition. Same as Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 28). Only one of the following may be counted: Islamic Studies 373 (Topic 12), Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 28), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic 36). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 37: Biblical Prophecy. Same as Core Texts and Ideas 354P, Jewish Studies 363 (Topic 28), and Religious Studies 353N. An introduction to the diversity of prophetic literature in the Old Testament, its historical development, social context, and Near Eastern parallels. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Core Texts and Ideas 354P, 375 (Topic: Biblical Prophecy), Jewish Studies 363 (Topic: Biblical Prophecy), 363 (Topic 28), Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 24), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic 37), Religious Studies 353 (Topic: Biblical Prophecy), 353N, 361 (Topic: Biblical Prophecy). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 38: Comparative Jewish Literature: Israel, France, and the United States. Same as Jewish Studies 363 (Topic 22) and Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 38). Only one of the following may be counted: Jewish Studies 363 (Topic 22), Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 38), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic 38). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 40: Gender and Art in the Muslim World. Same as Asian Studies 374D, Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 31), Religious Studies 358W, and Women's and Gender Studies 340 (Topic 62). Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Asian Studies 372 (Topic 46), 374D, Islamic Studies 373 (Topic 15), Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 31), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic 40), Religious Studies 358 (Topic 20), 358W, Women's and Gender Studies 340 (Topic 62). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 42: Archaeology of Greek Prehistory. Same as Ancient History and Classical Civilization 325 (Topic 8), Classical Civilization 340 (Topic 8), and Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 33). Explores the development of complex societies in ancient Greece by studying its prehistory through archaeology. Only one of the following may be counted: Ancient History and Classical Civilization 325 (Topic: Archaeology of Greek Prehistory), 325 (Topic 8), Classical Civilization 340 (Topic: Archaeology of Greek Prehistory), 340 (Topic 8), Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic: Archaeology of Greek Prehistory), 321 (Topic 33), Middle Eastern Studies 320 (Topic: Archaeology of Greek Prehistory), 342 (Topic: Archaeology of Greek Prehistory), 342 (Topic 42), Persian 372 (Topic: Archaeology of Greek Prehistory).
Topic 44: Graffiti and Poster Art in the Islamic World. Same as Anthropology 324L (Topic 59), Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 36), Religious Studies 359C, and Women's and Gender Studies 340 (Topic 67). Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Anthropology 324L (Topic 59), Islamic Studies 373 (Topic 17), Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 36), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic 44), Religious Studies 358 (Topic 21), 359C, Women's and Gender Studies 340 (Topic 67). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 45: Lost Languages and Decipherment. Same as Ancient History and Classical Civilization 330 (Topic 4), Classical Civilization 348 (Topic 21), and Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 37). Only one of the following may be counted: Ancient History and Classical Civilization 330 (Topic: Lost Languages & Decipherment), 330 (Topic 4), Classical Civilization 348 (Topic: Lost Languages & Decipherment), 348 (Topic 21), Linguistics 350 (Topic: Lost Languages & Decipherment), Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic: Lost Languages & Decipherment), 321 (Topic 37), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic: Lost Languages & Decipherment), 342 (Topic 45). Prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 51: Daily Life in Ancient Egypt. Same as African and African Diaspora Studies 340Q, Classical Civilization 348 (Topic 24), and Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 29). Delves into all areas of Egyptian daily life from the dawn of the dynasties to the age of Cleopatra. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: African and African Diaspora Studies 340Q, 374C (Topic: Daily Life in Ancient Egypt), 374C (Topic 7), Classical Civilization 348 (Topic: Daily Life in Ancient Egypt), 348 (Topic 24), Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic: Daily Life in Ancient Egypt), 321 (Topic 29), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic: Daily Life in Ancient Egypt), 342 (Topic 51). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 52: Abraham and Abrahamic Religions. Same as Core Texts and Ideas 354, Jewish Studies 363D, and Religious Studies 353G. Examines the figure of Abraham as portrayed in the Bible and the reception of that portrayal in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Core Texts and Ideas 354, 375 (Topic: Abraham & Abrahamic Religions), Jewish Studies 363 (Topic: Abraham & Abrahamic Religions), 363D, Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic: Abraham & Abrahamic Religions), 342 (Topic: 52), Religious Studies 353 (Topic: Abraham & Abrahamic Religions), 353G. Additional prerequisite: Upper division standing.
Topic 53: Angels, Demons, and Magic in Early Christianity. Same as Religious Studies 353C. Examine angelology, demonology and magic influence on the lives of early Christians and Christianity. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic: Angel/Demon/Magic Early Cen), 342 (Topic 53), Religious Studies 353 (Topic: Angel/Demon/Magic Early Cen), 353C. Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 54: Hermits, Monks, and Saints in Early Christianity. Same as Classical Civilization 348C and Religious Studies 365D. Examine individual and communal forms of Christian monasticism from the first through fifth centuries CE. Explore the social, economic and religious factors that may have made a life of self-denial attractive to many early Christians and the role of authority in these movements. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Classical Civilization 348 (Topic: Hermits, Monks, and Saints in Early Christianity), 348C, Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic: Hermits, Monks, and Saints in Early Christianity), 342 (Topic 54), Religious Studies 365 (Topic: Hermits, Monks, and Saints in Early Christianity), 365D. Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 55: Ancient Egypt. Same as African and African Diaspora Studies 340G and Classical Civilization 348 (Topic 11). Discussion of Egypt's culture, language, and history from the prehistorical period (13,000 BC) to the New Kingdom (1069 BC). Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: African and African Diaspora Studies 340G, 374C (Topic: Ancient Egypt), Classical Civilization 348 (Topic 11), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic: Ancient Egypt), 342 (Topic 55). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 56: Israel and Palestine: A Cultural Perspective. Same as Comparative Literature 323 (Topic 64), Jewish Studies 363 (Topic 23), and Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic 40). Only one of the following may be counted: Comparative Literature 323 (Topic: Israel/Palestine: Cultrl Persp), 323 (Topic 64), Jewish Studies 363 (Topic: Israel/Palestine: Cultrl Persp), 363 (Topic 23), Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic: Israel/Palestine: Cultrl Persp), 321 (Topic 40), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic: Israel/Palestine: Cultrl Persp), 342 (Topic 56). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 57: Divine Persuasion in Biblical Times and Place. Same as Jewish Studies 363 (Topic 24) and Rhetoric and Writing 330E (Topic 13). Explore the use of persuasive strategies in an ancient and non-Western culture, that of the Hebrew Bible. Using rhetorical techniques, analyze three types of texts: narratives of interactions between ordinary people and God; interactions between people, God, and authorized prophets; and prayers in prose and poetry. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Jewish Studies 363 (Topic: Persuasion Bible Time/Place), 363 (Topic 24), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic: Persuasion Bible Time/Place), 342 (Topic 57), Rhetoric and Writing 330E (Topic: Persuasion Bible Time/Place), 330E (Topic 13). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing and one of the following: English 303C, Rhetoric and Writing 306, 306Q, or Tutorial Course 303C.
Topic 58: Islamic Ethics. Same as Religious Studies 358R and Women's and Gender Studies 340 (Topic 80). Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Islamic Studies 340 (Topic: Islamic Ethics), 340 (Topic 9), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic: Islamic Ethics), 342 (Topic 58), Religious Studies 358 (Topic: Islamic Ethics), 358R, Women's and Gender Studies 340 (Topic: Islamic Ethics), 340 (Topic 80). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 59: Classic Lyric Poems. Same as Comparative Literature 323 (Topic 61). Only one of the following may be counted: Comparative Literature 323 (Topic: Classic Lyric Poems), 323 (Topic 61), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic: Classic Lyric Poems), 342 (Topic 59). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 60: The Persian Epic and Popular Culture. Same as Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321P. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic: Persian Epic/Pop Culture), 321P, Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic: Persian Epic/Pop Culture), 342 (Topic 60). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 61: Forugh Farrokhzad and Her Poetry. Same as Comparative Literature 323 (Topic 62) and Women's and Gender Studies 340 (Topic 79). Only one of the following may be counted: Comparative Literature 323 (Topic: Forugh Farrokhzad/Her Ptry), 323 (Topic 62), Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic: Forugh Farrokhzad/Her Ptry), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic: Forugh Farrokhzad/Her Ptry), 342 (Topic 61), Women's and Gender Studies 340 (Topic: Forugh Farrokhzad/Her Ptry), 340 (Topic 79). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 62: Iranian and Iranian-American Identity. Same as Comparative Literature 323 (Topic 63), Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321C, and Women's and Gender Studies 340 (Topic 81). Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Comparative Literature 323 (Topic: Iran/Iranian-Amer Ident), 323 (Topic 63), Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic: Iran/Iranian-Amer Ident), 321C, Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic: Iran/Iranian-Amer Ident), 342 (Topic 62), Women's and Gender Studies 340 (Topic: Iran/Iranian-Amer Ident), 340 (Topic 81). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 63: Twentieth-Century Persian Literature. Same as Comparative Literature 323 (Topic 66). Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Comparative Literature 323 (Topic: 20th Cen Persian Literature), 323 (Topic 66), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic: 20th Cen Persian Literature), 342 (Topic 63). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 64: Youth and Violence in the Middle East and Eurasia. Same as Comparative Literature 323 (Topic 65) and Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies 325 (Topic 42). Only one of the following may be counted: Comparative Literature 323 (Topic: Youth/Violence Mid East/Eur), 323 (Topic 65), Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic: Youth/Violence Mid East/Eur), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic: Youth/Violence Mid East/Eur), 342 (Topic 64), Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies 325 (Topic: Youth/Violence Mid East/Eur), 325 (Topic 42). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 65: Debating Genesis. Same as Jewish Studies 363 (Topic 26), Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321D, and Religious Studies 353M. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Jewish Studies 363 (Topic: Debating Genesis), 363 (Topic 26), Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 321 (Topic: Debating Genesis), 321D, Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic: Debating Genesis), 342 (Topic 65), Religious Studies 353 (Topic: Debating Genesis), 353M. Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 66: Law and Justice in the Bible. Same as Core Texts and Ideas 354L, Jewish Studies 363 (Topic 30), and Religious Studies 353K. Examine the legal traditions of the Torah (Pentateuch) and what they reveal about the practice of law and justice in ancient Israel and the wider biblical world. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Core Texts and Ideas 354L, Jewish Studies 363 (Topic 30), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic: Law/Justice in the Bible), 342 (Topic 66), Religious Studies 353 (Topic: Law/Justice in the Bible), 353K. Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 67: The Book of Job. Same as Core Texts and Ideas 354J, Jewish Studies 363 (Topic 29), and Religious Studies 365J. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Core Texts and Ideas 354J, 375 (Topic: The Book of Job), Jewish Studies 363 (Topic: The Book of Job), 363 (Topic 29), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic: The Book of Job), 342 (Topic 67), Religious Studies 361 (Topic: The Book of Job), 365 (Topic: The Book of Job), 365J. Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 68: The Five Books of Moses. Same as Core Texts and Ideas 354F, Jewish Studies 364 (Topic 15), and Religious Studies 353R. Study the socio-historical circumstances that gave shape to the first five books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Examine how these five books achieved the status of sacred literature. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Core Texts and Ideas 354F, 375 (Topic: The Five Books of Moses), Jewish Studies 364 (Topic: The Five Books of Moses), 364 (Topic 15), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic: The Five Books of Moses), 342 (Topic 68), Religious Studies 353 (Topic: The Five Books of Moses), 353R, 361 (Topic: The Five Books of Moses). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 69: Cultural Translation. Same as Comparative Literature 323 (Topic 77), European Studies 347 (Topic 53), and Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies 325 (Topic 47). Examine theoretical readings and concrete examples of how translation politics, translation-induced reconstruction of literary systems, censorship, manipulation, and market dynamics affect the production, distribution, and reception of translated products in the realm of arts and entertainment, news media and politics, and various academic disciplines in the Middle East, United States, and beyond. Only one of the following may be counted: Comparative Literature 323 (Topic 77), European Studies 347 (Topic 53), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic: Cultural Translation), 342 (Topic 69), Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies 325 (Topic 47). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 70: Soundtrack of Revolutions. Same as Government 364F and Sociology 320S. Examine the significance of music in the social and political uprisings of countries across the Middle East. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Government 364F, Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic: Soundtrack of Revolutions), 342 (Topic 70), Sociology 320S. Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 71: Humor and Hardship in Arabic Literature. Same as Comparative Literature 323 (Topic 76). Examine Arabic literary works (ninth through twentieth centuries) that display humor and its unspoken counterpart, hardship. Consult modern theories of humor and premodern Arabic-Islamic ideas of the jocular. Only one of the following may be counted: Comparative Literature 323 (Topic 76), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic: Humor/Hrdship In Arabic Lit), 342 (Topic 71). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 72: Major Islamic Texts. Same as History 364I and Religious Studies 342C. Introduction to key religious, philosophical, and political ideas from part of the Islamicate world through sustained readings of core texts. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: History 364I, Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic: Major Islamic Texts), 342 (Topic 72), Religious Studies 342C. Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 73: Contemporary Middle Eastern Cinema. Same as Government 366N. Introduction to some of the most pertinent social and political themes in celebrated films across Arab countries, Turkey, Iran, and Israel and Palestine. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Government 366N, Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic: Contemp Middle Eastern Cinema), 342 (Topic 73), Radio-Television-Film 342 (Topic: Contemp Middle Eastern Cinema). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 74: Global Cult Cinema. Explore the relationship between movies and fans within a global perspective. Examine case studies from and through the Middle East to understand the resonance of cult media texts around the world. Only one of the following may be counted: Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic: Global Cult Cinema), 342 (Topic 74), Radio-Television-Film 352 (Topic: Global Cult Cinema). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing
Topic 75: Envisioning Muslims: The Middle Ages and Today. Same as English 323T. Examine representations of Muslims in the dominant cultural media of the European Middle Ages, and in cultural media of the twentieth- and twenty-first centuries. Explore how Europeans envisioned Muslims, and how Muslims envisioned themselves. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: English 323D (Topic: Envisn Muslim:Mid Age/Today), 323T, 360S (Topic 3), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic 17), 342 (Topic 75). Additional prerequisite: One of the following: Comparative Literature 315, English 303D, 316L, 316M, 316N, 316P, or Tutorial Course 303D.
MES 342S. Sufism: Islamic Thought and Spirituality.
Same as Asian Studies 340Q, History 339S, and Religious Studies 358I. Explore Sufism and other Islamic mystical traditions that color cultural milieus spanning four continents and fourteen centuries. Focus on the historical developments in the Islamic theosophical tradition, as well as the relationship between Sufism and poetics, colonialism, and post-colonial resistance movements. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Asian Studies 340 (Topic 8), 340Q, 361 (Topic: Sufism and Islam Mysticism), History 339S, 366N (Topic: Sufism and Islam Mysticism), Islamic Studies 340 (Topic 4), Middle Eastern Studies 342 (Topic: Sufism and Islam Mysticism), 342 (Topic 24), 342S, Religious Studies 358 (Topic 4), 358I, 361 (Topic: Sufism and Islam Mysticism). Prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
MES 343. Topics in the Middle East: History.
Three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Varies with the topic.
Topic 1: Modern Egypt: A History. Same as History 334E. Critically examines the social, political, and intellectual dynamics that shaped the different forms of political community, economic organization, and public culture over the past century. Covers colonialism, liberalism, Arab socialism, authoritarian capitalism, and Islamic republicanism. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: History 334E, Islamic Studies 373 (Topic 5), Middle Eastern Studies 343 (Topic 1). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 2: Re-forming the Arab East, 1914-Present. Same as History 331R. Introduction to the history of the Middle East in the twentieth century. Examines forces that transformed the area from a relatively peaceful region to a radicalized environment. Explores colonialism, nationalism, secular modernism, impact of Zionism, rise of political Islam, status of women, and the oil revolution. Only one of the following may be counted: History 331R, History 364G (Topic: Re-forming the Arab East), Middle Eastern Studies 343 (Topic 2). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 3: History of Iran to 1800. Same as History 331G. A survey of the social, economic, and religious components unique to Iran from the pre-Islamic empire of the Achaemenids through the development of Iran as a medieval and premodern Islamic state. History 331G and Middle Eastern Studies 343 (Topic 3) may not both be counted. Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 4: Islamic Spain and North Africa to 1492. Same as History 375D and Religious Studies 345. An introduction to the impact of Islam on Spain and North Africa, with emphasis on social, economic, and cultural development. Only one of the following may be counted: Ancient History and Classical Civilization 330 (Topic: Islamic Spain and North Africa to 1492), History 375D, Islamic Studies 373 (Topic: Islamic Spain and North Africa to 1492), Middle Eastern Studies 343 (Topic 4), Religious Studies 345, 363 (Topic: Islamic Spain and North Africa to 1492). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 5: Medieval Islam: Faith and History. Same as History 350L (Topic 34) and Religious Studies 358E. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: History 350L (Topic 34), Middle Eastern Studies 343 (Topic 5), Religious Studies 358 (Topic 2), 358E. Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 6: Modern Iran. Same as History 331L. Explore the development of modern Iran; special attention is given to the impact of the West, the constitutional movement, nationalism, the oil crisis, and the Islamic Revolution of 1979. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: History 331L, Islamic Studies 373 (Topic: 22), Middle Eastern Studies 343 (Topic: 6). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 7: History of the Pilgrimage to Mecca, Hajj. Same as History 367E and Religious Studies 358P. Survey of the Hajj, Islam's major pilgrimage to Mecca and the nearby Holy Places. It will examine the Islamic pilgrimage from its beginnings in the seventh century C.E. through today. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: History 364G (Topic: History of the Pilgrimage to Mecca, Hajj), 364G (Topic 14), 367E, Middle Eastern Studies 343 (Topic: History of the Pilgrimage to Mecca), 343 (Topic 7), Religious Studies 358 (Topic: History of the Pilgrimage to Mecca), 358 (Topic 24), 358P. Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 8: Prophet of Islam: His Life and Times. Same as History 364D and Religious Studies 325. A detailed study of the prophet Muhammad's life and message, and of the means by which his life was recorded and popularized. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: History 364G (Topic 2), 364D, Islamic Studies 340 (Topic 1), Middle Eastern Studies 343 (Topic 8), Religious Studies 325. Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 10: Origins of Monotheism. Same as Jewish Studies 364 (Topic 13) and Religious Studies 358O. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Jewish Studies 364 (Topic: Origins of Monotheism), 364 (Topic 13), Middle Eastern Studies 343 (Topic: Origins of Monotheism), 343 (Topic 10), Religious Studies 358 (Topic: Origins of Monotheism), 358O. Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 11: Medieval Middle East History in One Hundred Objects. Same as Art History 328L and History 339Q. Survey the history of the medieval Middle East, from the period of Late Antiquity (in the seventh century) to the rise of early modern empires of the Safavids, Ottomans, and Mughals (in the seventeenth century), through close examination of the meaning and significance of 100 objects. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Art History 328L, 363 (Topic: Mid East Hist in 100 Objects), History 339Q, 364G (Topic: Mid East Hist in 100 Objects), Islamic Studies 373 (Topic: Mid East Hist in 100 Objects), 373 (Topic 21), Middle Eastern Studies 343 (Topic: Mid East Hist in 100 Objects), 343 (Topic 11). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 12: Modern Middle East History in One Hundred Objects. Same as Art History 328M and History 343E. Survey the history of the medieval Middle East, from 1500 to the present, through close examination of the meaning and significance of 100 objects. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Art History 328M, 366P (Topic: Mod Mid East In 100 Objects), History 343E, 364G (Topic: Mod Mid East In 100 Objects), Islamic Studies 373 (Topic: Mod Mid East In 100 Objects), 373 (Topic 23), Middle Eastern Studies 343 (Topic: Mod Mid East In 100 Objects), 343 (Topic 12). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 13: Arabs and Vikings: Art and Culture. Same as Art History 328N and German, Scandinavian, and Dutch Studies 362F. Explore the art and culture of the global Middle Ages through close examination of recent films, popular and academic publications, and works of art and architecture that reveal the interconnection between the European and the Islamic worlds. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Art History 328N, 361L (Topic: Arabs/Vikings Art Culture), German, Scandinavian, and Dutch Studies 360 (Topic: Arabs/Vikings Art Culture) 362F, Middle Eastern Studies 343 (Topic: Arabs/Vikings Art Culture), 343 (Topic 13). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 15: Africa and Rome. Same as African and African Diaspora Studies 340U, Classical Civilization 348P, and History 321J. Explore the history of Roman Africa with emphasis on what is now Tunisia and northern Algeria. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: African and African Diaspora Studies 340U, 370 (Topic: Africa and Rome), 374C (Topic: Africa and Rome), Ancient History and Classical Civilization 330 (Topic: Africa and Rome), Classical Civilization 348 (Topic: Africa and Rome), 348P, History 321J, 364G (Topic: Africa and Rome), 366N (Topic: Africa and Rome), Middle Eastern Studies 343 (Topic: Africa and Rome), 343 (Topic 15). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 16: Jews: Nation or People. Same as History 366D and Jewish Studies 364 (Topic 16). Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: History 366D, 366N (Topic: Jews: Nation or People?), Jewish Studies 364 (Topic: Jews: Nation or People?), 364 (Topic 16), Middle Eastern Studies 343 (Topic: Jews: Nation or People?), 343 (Topic 16). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing
Topic 17: Restitution and Restorative Justice after the Holocaust. Same as European Studies 346 (Topic 35), History 366E, and Jewish Studies 364 (Topic 17). Examine attempts to find a measure of justice after the Holocaust. Explore themes of human rights and international law. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: European Studies 346 (Topic: Holocaust/Restitutn/Justice), 346 (Topic 35), History 366E, 366N (Topic: Holocaust/Restitutn/Justice), Jewish Studies 364 (Topic: Holocaust/Restitutn/Justice), 364 (Topic 17), Middle Eastern Studies 343 (Topic: Holocaust/Restitutn/Justice), 343 (Topic 17). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 20: Islam in the Early Modern World: Religion and Culture. Same as History 367S and Religious Studies 359D. Examine a history of the religious and cultural development across the Islamic world between the thirteenth and eighteenth centuries, stemming from the rise of the Mongols and the end of the caliphate. Explore the early modern Muslim empires of the Ottomans, Safavids, and the Mughals. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: History 364G (Topic: Islam Early Mod World:Rel/Cult), 367S, Islamic Studies 372 (Topic: Islam Early Mod World:Rel/Cult), 373 (Topic 20), Middle Eastern Studies 343 (Topic: Islam Early Mod World:Rel/Cult), 343 (Topic 20), Religious Studies 358 (Topic 22), 359D. Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 21: Transnational Asia: From the Middle East to the Far East. Same as Asian Studies 361R and History 343C. Examine how various groups of people understood, experienced, and imagined concepts such as "the East" and "Asia" with a primary focus on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Asian Studies 361 (Topic: Transnational Asia), 361R, History 343C, Middle Eastern Studies 343 (Topic: Transnational Asia), 343 (Topic 21). Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 22: French Empire: The West and Islam. Same as History 364Q and Religious Studies 358F. The development of regions within the Mediterranean, variously called the West and East or Europe and Islam, with an emphasis on the role of modern France and France's Mediterranean empire. Three lecture hours for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: History 364G (Topic 7), 364Q, Islamic Studies 372 (Topic 22), Middle Eastern Studies 343 (Topic 22), Religious Studies 358 (Topic 16), 358F. Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
Topic 23: Muslim Travelers and Traders. Same as Asian Studies 343D, History 343D, and Religious Studies 343D. Introduction to modern Middle Eastern and Islamic history in the broader context of globalization, with a primary focus on the nineteenth century to the present. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Asian Studies 343D, History 343D, 366N (Topic: Muslim Travelers and Traders), Middle Eastern Studies 343 (Topic: Muslim Travelers and Traders), 343 (Topic 23), Religious Studies 343D. Additional prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
MES 351. Mediterranean Crossroads Seminar.
Reading and discussion about the lands, cultures, and societies of the eastern Mediterranean from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. Students prepare to study in the Middle East (in Middle Eastern Studies 352) and begin work on their individual research projects. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered in the spring semester only. Prerequisite: Upper-division standing and consent of instructor.
MES 352. Mediterranean Crossroads Study Abroad Seminar.
Students study and conduct research in the Middle East. The equivalent of three lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered in the summer session only. Prerequisite: Middle Eastern Studies 351.
MES 353. Mediterranean Crossroads Conference Course.
Under supervision of a faculty member, students complete their research projects following participation in Middle Eastern Studies 352. Conference course. Offered in the fall semester only. Prerequisite: Middle Eastern Studies 352.
MES 360. Conference Course.
Supervised individual research, discussion, and writing of papers about various general and specialized Middle Eastern subjects. Conference course. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Upper-division standing and consent of instructor.
MES 370. Practicum: Internships in Applied Middle Eastern Studies.
Research and staff experience working in an appropriate agency or business. At least six but no more than nine hours of work a week for one semester. May not be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Completion of at least seventy semester hours of coursework, including twelve hours of Middle Eastern studies, and consent of the undergraduate adviser.
MES 679H. Honors Tutorial Course.
Supervised individual reading for one semester, followed by research and writing to produce a substantial paper on a special topic in middle eastern studies, to be completed during the second semester. Conference course for two semesters. Prerequisite: For 679HA, admission to the Middle Eastern Studies Honors Program; for 679HB, Middle Eastern Studies 679HA.
Graduate Courses
MES 380. International Business Fellows Seminar.
Same as Asian Studies 391 (Topic 6), Latin American Studies 381 (Topic 8), and Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies 380. Multidisciplinary seminar for students in area studies, business administration, law, and public policy. The faculty includes both academics and business leaders. Only one of the following may be counted: Asian Studies 391 (Topic 6), International Business 395 (Topic: International Business Fellows Seminar), Latin American Studies 381 (Topic 8), Middle Eastern Studies 380, Public Affairs 388K (Topic: International Business Fellows Seminar), Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies 380.
MES 381. Seminar in Middle Eastern Civilizations and Cultures.
Advanced studies of various aspects of the civilizations and cultures of the Middle East and North Africa. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing; additional prerequisites vary with the topic.
Topic 11: Regional Geography of the Middle East and North Africa. Same as Geography 385 (Topic 5: The Middle East and North Africa). Topics include developmental activity and spatial change in the Middle East, comparative regional studies.
Topic 22: Politics of the Middle East and North Africa. Same as Government 390L (Topic 4: Politics of the Middle East and North Africa). Readings and research on the political systems of the Arab world, Israel, Turkey, Iran, and Afghanistan. Precise topics vary. Additional prerequisite: Twenty-four semester hours of coursework in government or related fields, and consent of the graduate adviser.
Topic 26: Turkic Cultures and Languages in Central Asia. Same as Linguistics 396 (Topic 4: Turkic Cultures and Languages in Central Asia). Additional prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
Topic 29: Environment and Development in the Middle East.
Topic 30: Language and Politics in Language Planning. Same as Curriculum and Instruction 385G (Topic 7). Additional prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
Topic 33: Translation: Theory, History, and Practice. Additional prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
Topic 37: Intellectual History of Indo-Iranian Islam. Same as Asian Studies 390 (Topic 6) and History 388K (Topic 2).
Topic 38: Music Cultures of the Middle East: Past and Present.
Topic 39: Translating Arabic Texts. Same as Arabic 380C (Topic 8: Translating Arabic Texts). Only one of the following may be counted: Arabic 360L (Topic 4: Translating Arabic Texts), 380C (Topic 8), Middle Eastern Studies 381 (Topic 39).
Topic 41: Gender, Clothing, and Identity in Muslim Society.
MES 383. Internships in Applied Middle Eastern Studies.
Students conduct research and participate in other work in an appropriate agency or business. At least nine but no more than twelve hours of fieldwork a week for one semester. May not be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of the graduate adviser.
MES 384. Topics in the Middle East: Social Science.
Advanced studies of various aspects of social sciences in the Middle East. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted unless the topics vary: Middle Eastern Studies 381, 384, 385, 386. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing, and consent of the instructor and graduate advisor.
Topic 6: Cities and Citizenship.
Topic 7: Culture, History, and Power.
Topic 8: Gender and Development.
Topic 10: The Military in Politics.
Topic 11: Nationalism and Gender.
Topic 12: Comparative Middle Eastern Law. Exploration of legal structures of the modern Middle East from a comparative approach. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Middle Eastern Studies 384 (Topic: Comparative Middle East Law) and 384 (Topic 12) may not both be counted.
MES 385. Topics in the Middle East: History.
Advanced studies of various aspects of history in the Middle East. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted unless the topics vary: Middle Eastern Studies 381, 384, 385, 386. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Additional prerequisites may vary with the topic.
Topic 3: Islamic Historiography.
Topic 4: Islamic Revolution of Iran. Additional prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
Topic 5: Modern Iranian History and Historiography.
Topic 6: Shi'ite Religious and Political Ideologues.
Topic 7: Women in Islamic Societies. Same as Asian Studies 391 (Topic 7: Women in Islamic Societies) and History 382N (Topic 2: Women in Islamic Societies). Only one of the following may be counted: Asian Studies 391 (Topic 7), History 382N (Topic 2), Middle Eastern Studies 385 (Topic 7).
Topic 9: Method and Theory in Middle Eastern Studies.
Topic 10: Modern Arab Renaissance: An Inquiry.
Topic 11: State and Society in the Middle East.
Topic 12: European Imperialism: British Empire. Same as Asian Studies 391 (Topic 3) and History 380L (Topic 1). Study of the British empire in the Middle East, Asia and Africa. Only one of the following may be counted: Asian Studies 391 (Topic 3), History 380L (Topic 1), Middle Eastern Studies 385 (Topic 12). Additional prerequisite: Graduate standing.
MES 386. Topics in the Middle East: Arts and Humanities.
Advanced studies of various aspects of the arts and humanities in the Middle East. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted unless the topics vary: Middle Eastern Studies 381, 384, 385, 386. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Additional prerequisites may vary with the topic.
Topic 2: Iranian Film and Fiction. Same as Persian 384C (Topic 10). Middle Eastern Studies 386 (Topic 2) and Persian 384C (Topic 10) may not both be counted.
Topic 5: Theory and Practice in Literary Translation.
Topic 7: Arab Women Poets.
Topic 9: Classical Arabic Ahkbar.
Topic 11: Islamic Ornament.
Topic 12: Islamic Studies: Disciplinary Introduction.
Topic 14: Mizrahi Writing in Israel.
Topic 15: Post-Zionist Perspectives in Israeli Literature.
Topic 16: Readings in Contemporary Persian Political Writings.
Topic 18: Seminar in Music, Gender, and Sexuality.
Topic 19: Women in Scripture.
Topic 23: Late Ottoman State and Society. Study of state and society in the late Ottoman Empire (c. 1700-1922), focusing on social and economic life, religion, law, government, ideology, arts, and sciences. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Middle Eastern Studies 386 (Topic: Late Ottoman State & Society) and 386 (Topic 23) may not both be counted. Additional prerequisite: Graduate standing.
Topic 24: Islamic Feminism. Exploration of the idea, history, figures, and writings of Islamic feminism, covering the 20th and 21st century. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Middle Eastern Studies 386 (Topic: Islamic Feminism) and 386 (Topic 24) may not both be counted.
Topic 25: Gender, Clothing, and Identity in Muslim Societies. Same as Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 380 (Topic 1). Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures 380 (Topic 1), Middle Eastern Studies 381 (Topic: Gend/Cloth/Ident in Muslim Soc), 386 (Topic 25). Additional prerequisite: Graduate standing.
MES 389. Conference Course.
Supervised individual study of selected problems in Middle Eastern Studies. The equivalent of three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Graduate standing, consent of the instructor and graduate adviser.
MES 390M. Applied Methods and Practice in Middle Eastern Studies.
Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
MES 194, 294, 394. Professional Development in Middle Eastern Studies.
For each semester hour of credit earned, one lecture hour a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit. Offered on the credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite: Graduate standing, and consent of instructor and the graduate adviser.
MES 097. Proseminar.
Restricted to first-semester Middle Eastern Studies (MA) majors. Introduces the incoming Master of Arts student cohort to the Center of Middle Eastern Studies' faculty and their research. One lecture hour a week for one semester. Offered on the credit/no credit basis only.
MES 698. Thesis.
The equivalent of three lecture hours a week for two semesters. Offered on the credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite: For 698A, graduate standing in Middle Eastern studies and consent of the graduate adviser; for 698B, Middle Eastern Studies 698A.
MES 398R. Master's Report.
Preparation of a report to fulfill the requirement for the master's degree under the report option. The equivalent of three lecture hours a week for one semester. Offered on the credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Middle Eastern studies and consent of the graduate adviser.
MES 398T. Supervised Teaching in Middle Eastern Studies.
Teaching under the close supervision of a faculty member; weekly group meetings with the instructor, individual consultation, and reports throughout the teaching period. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and appointment as a teaching assistant or assistant instructor.