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HDF 312 HDF 312. Family Resource Management. 3 Hours.
Management concepts and theory in resource allocation used to meet family and life demands. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Credit or registration for Human Development and Family Sciences 304.
Texas Common Course Numbering System
General Information
...TECA 1303 HDF 304 TECA 1354 HDF 313...311 ACCT 2302 ACC 312 ACCT 2401 ACC...
Bachelor of Social Work
...sequence coursework ( Social Work 312 , 332 , 333 , and...Sciences 313 accompanied with HDF 113L may be...
Admission and Registration
...302C , Computer Science 311 , 312 , Physics 303K , 303L...Development and Family Sciences (HDF) majors must complete...