
Bachelor of Arts in Music

Core Curriculum

All students must complete the University’s Core Curriculum. In the process of fulfilling the core curriculum and other degree requirements, all students are expected to complete the Skills and Experience flags:

  1. Writing: two flagged courses beyond Rhetoric and Writing 306 or its equivalent
  2. Quantitative Reasoning: one flagged course
  3. Global Cultures: one flagged course
  4. Cultural Diversity in the United States: one flagged course
  5. Ethics: one flagged course
  6. Independent Inquiry: one flagged course

Courses that may be used to fulfill core curriculum and flag requirements are identified in the Course Schedule. They may be used simultaneously to fulfill other requirements, unless otherwise specified. Please note, students may not earn the cultural diversity and global cultures flags from the same course. Students are encouraged to discuss options with a departmental academic advisor.

Prescribed Work

  1. Foreign language: Intermediate level proficiency in a foreign language.
  2. General culture: Three semester hours chosen from the following areas: architecture, classics (including classical civilization, Greek, Latin), comparative literature, humanities, philosophy, and interdisciplinary fields outside the Butler School of Music such as American studies, African and African diaspora studies, Asian studies, Latin American studies, Mexican American studies, and women’s and gender studies. The student is encouraged to choose coursework of a multicultural nature. Courses outside the Butler School of Music that are cross-listed with music courses may not be used to fulfill this requirement. A course used to fulfill this requirement may not also be counted toward any core curriculum requirement.

Major Requirements

  1. Performance: At least 12 semester hours, consisting of four semester hours of music ensemble courses as explained in Butler School of Music Special Requirements; and Music 201N (completed to the satisfaction of faculty) for students whose principal instrument is not piano
    1. Emphasis in Music: Four semesters of principal instrument course 210 and approval of the faculty
    2. Emphasis in Composition: Two semesters of Music 224G, Intermediate Composition, two semesters of Music 224J, Advanced Composition, and approval of the music theory and composition faculty
  2. Music Literature and Music Theory: Music 605, 411, 612, 312C, and six semester hours chosen from Music 303M, 303N, 303P213M, 213N230L, 334, 342, and other courses from a list approved by the Musicology/Ethnomusicology Division
  3. Concentration: Twelve semester hours in a concentration of music courses approved by the coordinator of the Bachelor of Arts in Music program, at least eight hours of which must be upper-division
  4. Three hours chosen from Music 321J325L325M331J334337342343J, 376J, or 379K

When taken in residence, Music 312C (in requirement 2) may either be counted toward the visual and performing arts requirement of the core curriculum or toward the three-semester-hour writing flag portion of the core curriculum English composition requirement. Music 334 which may be used to complete requirement 3 is also approved to fulfill the visual and performing arts requirement of the core curriculum and may be used to fulfill both.

Secondary Field of Study

The secondary field of study must be approved by the coordinator of the Bachelor of Arts in Music program, include twelve semester hours of coursework outside the Butler School of Music, and must include at least six hours of upper-division coursework.


Two or more hours of additional elective coursework may be needed to provide the total number of semester hours required for the degree. Courses that are crosslisted with music courses may not be counted toward this requirement.

Total Minimum Requirements

For the Bachelor of Arts in Music: 120 semester hours as outlined above.

Advancement to Upper-Division Standing

To advance to upper-division standing in the program, the student must meet the following requirements:

  1. Upper-division standing at the University
  2. A grade point average of at least 2.50 for all coursework taken in residence at the University
  3. Completion of the following courses or their equivalents with a grade point average of at least 2.50: Music 201N (required only for students whose principal instrument is not piano), 605A, 605B, 411A, 411B, 612A, 612B, 312C, and the six semester hours of music literature coursework chosen to complete major requirement 2
  4. Approval of the coordinator of the Bachelor of Arts in Music program