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Tuition Tables

General Information


House Bill 29, passed by the 83 rd Texas Legislature, requires public institutions of higher education to offer a fixed tuition price plan to incoming freshman and transfer students. The University of Texas at Austin has met the requirements of the law by establishing Longhorn Fixed Tuition which is offered to eligible undergraduate students. Tuition rates for the 2023-2024 academic year, including Longhorn Fixed Tuition rates for entering undergraduates, are published below. Undergraduates who enrolled in the Longhorn Fixed Tuition plan prior to this catalog's academic year can view their cohort rates online .

Statistical Summaries

General Information


...036 13,325 38,361 Master in Professional...3,498 School of Law Doctor of Jurisprudence...

Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering



...seek further education in law, medicine, business, or...quantitative reasoning flag ) Mathematics 361 , Theory of Functions...

LEB 361 LEB 361. Law of Business Organizations. 3 Hours.

Restricted to students in a business major. Study of basic legal principles of business organizations and operations, including practical comparison and assessment of advantages and disadvantages of different types of organization. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Thirty semester hours of undergraduate coursework, or consent of instructor.