
Degree Requirements, Business Analytics

Graduate handbook information is updated and maintained by each program. Graduate handbooks are available within each program's office and online at https://utexas.box.com/v/UTAustinGraduateHandbooks. Please contact the program with concerns or questions.

Master of Science in Business Analytics

The Department of Information, Risk, and Operations Management (IROM) offers the Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA) degree program in two formats to meet differing needs: the full-time MSBA format and the part-time working professional MSBA format. Both program formats have the same academic requirements and students in either program format are expected to meet the same academic standards.

Each MSBA program format requires a Program of Work consisting of at least 36 semester hours of coursework. Coursework is designed to include technical and quantitative methods from multiple disciplines, such as information management, statistics, optimization, and computer science, to solve business problems using large data sets. Each program ends with a capstone project.

Full-time MSBA format: This 10-month program format takes place in person on The University of Texas at Austin campus.

Part-time MSBA format: This 24-month program format is designed to provide flexibility for working professionals. Students admitted to the part-time MSBA program format complete courses delivered online and also participate in several multi-day immersive events hosted on The University of Texas at Austin campus.

Graduate programs in the Department of Information, Risk, and Operations Management (IROM) are overseen by the IROM Graduate Studies Committee (GSC). The IROM GSC has delegated operational authority over the MSBA program to a Program Committee consisting of faculty who teach in the program from the IROM department as well as other departments. The Program Committee determines degree requirements and rules for registration which are communicated to students in a handbook. All courses required for program completion are offered in accordance with University policies that govern non-formula-funded (Option III) programs.