
Degree Requirements, Rhetoric and Writing Studies*

Graduate handbook information is updated and maintained by each program. Graduate handbooks are available within each program's office and online at https://utexas.box.com/v/UTAustinGraduateHandbooks. Please contact the program with concerns or questions.

Master of Arts*

The graduate program in rhetoric & writing studies does not accept applications for the master’s degree. However, a student accepted into and in good standing with the doctoral program may, at the discretion of the graduate advisor, elect to pursue a master’s degree in lieu of or on the way to the PhD. The student must complete 30 semester hours of graduate coursework, including RHE 381 Research Methods in Rhetoric and Writing, RHE 382 Rhetoric and Writing Theory, RHE 383 Histories of Rhetoric and Writing, RHE 384 Public Rhetorics, and a minimum 12 hours of RHE topics seminars (RHE 391). The student must earn at least a B in all RHE coursework.

Doctor of Philosophy*

The PhD program in Rhetoric and Writing Studies requires a minimum of 57 hours of coursework, six semester hours in a digital writing and research practicum, and a minimum of six exam hours and six dissertation hours. Students advance to candidacy for the doctoral degree after completing the required coursework and practicum; demonstrating language proficiency in one language in addition to English; and passing both the third-year area exam and the prospectus examination. Specific details about each requirement are available from the graduate advisor.

Curricular requirements are the same for students entering with or without an MA degree. However, with the approval of the Graduate Studies Committee (GSC), students may apply up to six hours taken outside the program to their degree requirements.


The Rhetoric and Writing master's and doctoral programs are pending approval of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board at the time of publication.