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ACC 366P ACC 366P. Accounting Practicum. 3 Hours.

Restricted to students in a business major. Students apply skills in their major area and focus on additional project management skills through group projects conducted in a professional setting. Students may work with a private or a public enterprise. The equivalent of three lecture hours a week for one semester. Accounting 366P and 384 (Topic: Tax Practicum) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Forty-five semester hours of college coursework.

Bachelor of Business Administration



...BBA) ACC 326 , ACC 327 , ACC 329 , ACC...366P , Business Administration 353 , 653 , 366P , Finance 366P...

Minor and Certificate Programs



...Systems 304 ; Accounting 364 , ACC 378 (Topic 3...1 Note that FIN 366P and FIN 377...