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Bachelor of Journalism



...Major, below. A candidate for a degree must...349N , 349T , 350M , 350N , 351C , 351F , 351G , 351J...

Religious Studies



...designed to give students a comprehensive training in...335Q , Global Justice Government 351C , The Classical Quest...

AED 351C AED 351C. Art Materials, Techniques, and Processes. 3 Hours.

Restricted to art education majors. Explore and apply basic materials, techniques, and processes in art production used in early childhood through grade twelve classroom- and community-based art instruction. Six laboratory hours a week for one semester. Visual Art Studies 351C and Art Education 351C may not both be counted. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Art Education 330 (or Visual Art Studies 330) with a grade of at least B.

LIN 351C LIN 351C. A Linguistic History of India. 3 Hours.

Same as Asian Studies 348E. Explore the richly documented linguistic and literary history of languages in the Indian subcontinent, paying attention to linguistic phenomena, contact effects, and language-based movements. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Asian Studies 348E, Linguistics 350 (Topic: A Linguistic History of India), 351C, 373 (Topic: A Linguistic History of India). Prerequisite: Upper-division standing.