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ART 320L ART 320L. Topics in Studio Art. 3 Hours.
Continuation of Studio Art 320K. Six laboratory hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Upper-division standing and Studio Art 320K with a grade of at least C.
Asian Cultures and Languages
The Bachelor of Arts with a major in Asian cultures and languages is offered with specialization in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Hindi/Urdu, Bengali, Malayalam, Sanskrit, or Tamil.
All economics majors must earn a grade of at least C- in Mathematics 408Q or grades of at least C- in Mathematics 408K and 408L . The following combinations of courses alternatively satisfy the math requirement, with a grade of at least a C- in each course: Mathematics 408C and 408D , Mathematics 408N and 408S , Mathematics 408K and 408S , Mathematics 408C and 408L , Mathematics 408C and 408S , or Mathematics 408R and 408L ,or Mathematics 408R and 408S , or Mathematics 408N and 408L . Mathematics 403K and 403L (and transfer equivalents) may not be substituted for required mathematics courses. Mathematics 408Q and Mathematics 408R must be taken in residence at The University of Texas at Austin. A student may not earn both the Bachelor of Arts with a major in Economics and the Bachelor of Science in Economics.
Bachelor of Science in Economics
Undergraduate the Bachelor of Arts, designed to include...Economics 304K , 304L , 420S , 320L , 329 , 341K or...
Bachelor of Science in Biology
...Arts and/or the College of Fine Arts...biology: BIO 320 , BIO 320L , 325L , BIO 325T...