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C S 388Q C S 388Q. Quantum Information Science. 3 Hours.

Introduction to the theory of quantum computing and information. Examine the rules of quantum mechanics (qubits, unitary transformations, density matrices); quantum gates and circuits; entanglement; the Bell inequality; protocols for teleportation, quantum key distribution, quantum money and other tasks; basic quantum algorithms such as Shor's and Grover's; basic quantum complexity theory; and the challenges of building scalable quantum computers. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Computer Science 388Q and 395T (Topic: Quantum Information Science) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Graduate standing; and coursework in linear algebra and some exposure to classical algorithms and programming; and an understanding of complex numbers and linear algebra: vector spaces, bases, eigenvalues, rank, inner product, etc; previous exposure to quantum mechanics is not required.