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Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering



The Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering is introduced in this catalog as a replacement for the two Electrical Engineering degrees offered in past catalogs. Students pursuing those degrees should refer to the appropriate earlier catalog for degree requirements. ABET accreditation for the new degree is planned and is expected to be requested during this catalog cycle.  

Bachelor of Science in Biology



...States: one flagged course e. Ethics: one flagged...or UTeach-Natural Sciences 360 UTeach-Natural Sciences...

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry



...and Instruction 365E or UTeach-Natural Sciences 360 e. UTeach-Natural Sciences 101 , 110 , and...

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics



...and Instruction 365E or UTeach-Natural Sciences 360 e. UTeach-Natural Sciences 101 , 110 , and...

Bachelor of Science in Textiles and Apparel



...States: one flagged course e. Ethics: one flagged...316L or 316R or 360 ; and one of...

The University



...Austin TX 78712; via e-mail at equity...forty to more than 360 acres, while the...

Bachelor of Science in Physics



...States: one flagged course e. Ethics: one flagged...or UTeach-Natural Sciences 360 UTeach-Natural Sciences...

E M 360 E M 360. Studies in Engineering Mechanics. 3 Hours.

Advanced work in the various areas of engineering mechanics, based on recent developments. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Upper-division standing in engineering and consent of instructor.

E S 360 E S 360. Service Learning for Engineers. 3 Hours.

Supervised participation in a service-learning project that helps meet a community need. May be repeated for credit when the projects vary. With approval of the student's major department, may be counted toward an engineering degree. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

M E 360 M E 360. Vehicle System Dynamics and Controls. 3 Hours.

Fundamentals of ground vehicle dynamics, tire-road mechanics, vehicle control systems, vehicle stability, and simulation of vehicle systems. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Mechanical Engineering 360, 379M (Topic: Vehicle System Dynamics and Controls), 390, 397 (Topic: Vehicle System Dynamics and Controls). Prerequisite: For engineering majors, Mechanical Engineering 344 with a grade of at least C-; for others, upper-division standing and written consent of instructor.