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ECE 361R ECE 361R. Radio-Frequency Electronics. 3 Hours.

Examine modeling of active and passive devices and transmission line structures at high frequencies. Explore analysis and design of radio-frequency electronic circuits including amplifiers, mixers, multipliers, detectors, and oscillators; transistor-, circuit-, and system-level design methods, challenges, and topologies; noise and distortion analysis; and evaluation of modern radio systems. The equivalent of three lecture hours a week for one semester. Electrical and Computer Engineering 361R and Electrical Engineering 361R may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Electrical and Computer Engineering 438 (or Electrical Engineering 438) with a grade of at least C-.

Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering



...ECE honors course, ECE 302H , ECE 312H , ECE...Electrical and Computer Engineering 361R , Radio-Frequency Electronics...