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GEO 325C GEO 325C. Continuum Mechanics. 3 Hours.
Explore the foundation for the modeling of fluids and solids in geological and geophysical phenomena, such as mantle convection, glaciology, rock mechanics, and climate dynamics. Examine tensor analysis, the kinematics of motion, forces, and stresses. Discuss basic balance (conservation) laws for mass, momentum, and energy, and constitutive laws for fluids and solids. Develop governing equations to geodynamics, glaciology, seismology, and geophysical fluid dynamics. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Geosciences 325C and 371T (Topic: Continuum Mechanics) may not both be counted. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Upper-division standing, Mathematics 427J with a grade of at least C-, and credit or registration in Mathematics 427L.
Bachelor of Science in Geological Sciences
...with recommended upper-division GEO elective courses to...116L Geological Sciences 315L , 325C , 325K or 325M...