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KIN 320 KIN 320. Applied Biomechanics of Human Movement. 3 Hours.

Designed to provide students with an understanding of applied scientific analysis of movement. Examines the physiological, structural, and mechanical bases for human movement, with examples drawn from sport and rehabilitation. Lectures concentrate on a scientific approach to mechanisms underlying human movement and to strategies and practices of clinical and sport applications. Laboratory sessions focus on both theoretical and applied aspects of selected mechanical concepts. Two lecture hours and one and one-half laboratory hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Kinesiology 424K and Mathematics 305G, 408K, 408C, or 408N.

Applied Movement Science



The curriculum for the degree has four components: (a) the University-wide Core Curriculum; (b) prescribed work for the Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology and Health; (c) major requirements, which include a minor or specialization (coaching, community health and wellness, disability studies, health fitness instructor, medical fitness and rehabilitation, or strength and conditioning coaching); and (d) electives. More information, including a list of specializations , tracks , and minors is available from the College of Education Student Dean’s Office, George I. Sánchez Building 2.110.