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Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
...the following: Mathematics 339V , M 339W , 349P One...343L , 348 , 361 , 365C , 365D , 368K , 373K , 373L...
M 365D M 365D. Real Analysis II. 3 Hours.
Recommended for students planning to undertake graduate work in mathematics. A rigorous treatment of selected topics in real analysis, such as Lebesgue integration, or multivariate integration and differential forms. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Mathematics 365C with a grade of at least C-.
M E 365D M E 365D. Data Science for Engineers. 3 Hours.
Same as Operations Research and Industrial Engineering 365. Learn data analysis and programming skills. Explore essential data science techniques, including regression, decision trees, classification, and neural networks. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Mechanical Engineering 365D, 379M (Topic: Data Science for Engineers), Operations Research and Industrial Engineering 365. Prerequisite: Upper-division standing; Mechanical Engineering 205 or 318M, and Mechanical Engineering 335.