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RTF 359C RTF 359C. Media Archaeology. 3 Hours.

Exploration of the media as artifacts as opposed to narratives or texts. Focuses on the materiality of media within specific socio-cultural, economic, and technological time periods each with their own modes of historic and futuristic discourse. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Radio-Television-Film 359S (Topic: Media Archaeology) and 359C may not both be counted. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Fifty-four semester credit hours of college coursework.

Bachelor of Science in Radio-Television-Film



To be awarded the degree of Bachelor of Science in Radio-Television-Film, the candidate must complete 120 semester hours of coursework and must fulfill the University's General Requirements for graduation and the Core Curriculum  requirements, the college graduation requirements, the requirements and policies listed in Academic Policies and Procedures, and the requirements given in Prescribed Work, and Major Requirements, below.