
Minor and Certificate Programs


The transcript-recognized undergraduate academic minor must be completed in conjunction with an undergraduate degree at The University of Texas at Austin. For more information regarding the requirements for achieving a minor, including a comprehensive list of minors, please visit the Minor and Certificate Programs section of the Undergraduate Catalog.

Architectural History Minor

The Architectural History Minor is designed to provide a foundation in architectural history concepts for students outside of the School of Architecture. Any undergraduate outside of the School of Architecture with a University grade point average of at least 2.50 may take any course listed below, whether pursuing the Architectural History Minor or not. Students may obtain only one minor from the School of Architecture. 

Students who know they intend to complete the Architectural History minor should apply online at the earliest possible date; deadlines are March 1 for fall or summer, and October 1 for spring.

To fulfill the Architectural History Minor students must complete 15 semester hours of coursework as described below. At least half of the coursework must be completed in residence at The University of Texas at Austin. All coursework must be taken on the letter-grade basis, and completed in conjunction with the students’ major requirements. Six hours must be upper-division.

Registration for upper-division courses will require successful completion of 60 semester hours of coursework.

Students pursuing the Architectural History Minor may choose from among the following courses:

ARC 308Architecture and Society3
ARC 318KWorld Architecture: Origins to 17503
ARC 318LWorld Architecture: The Industrial Revolution to the Present3
All Architecture 342 courses (Architecture 342C through Architecture 342W)

In addition to the above courses students also may count any unnumbered advanced architectural history topics courses (Architecture 368R) completed prior to Fall 2016. Appropriate architecture theory courses, such as Architecture 327C through Architecture 327U or Architecture 350R topics courses, may count toward the minor by petition. 

Architectural Studies Minor

The Architectural Studies Minor is designed to provide a foundation in architecture concepts for students in majors outside of the School of Architecture. Any undergraduate outside of the School of Architecture with a University grade point average of at least 2.50 may take any course listed below, whether pursuing the Architectural Studies Minor or not. Students may obtain only one minor from the School of Architecture. Students who know they intend to complete the Architectural Studies Minor should apply online at the earliest possible date; deadlines are March 1 for fall or summer, and October 1 for spring.

To fulfill the Architectural Studies Minor, students must complete 15 semester hours of coursework as described below. At least half of the coursework must be completed in residence at The University of Texas at Austin. All coursework must be taken on the letter-grade basis, and completed in conjunction with the students’ major requirements. Six hours must be upper-division.

Registration for upper-division courses will require successful completion of 60 semester hours of coursework. Please see the Course Schedule to determine if instructor permission is required.

Students pursuing the Architectural Studies Minor may choose from among the following courses:

ARC 308Architecture and Society3
ARC 318KWorld Architecture: Origins to 17503
ARC 318LWorld Architecture: The Industrial Revolution to the Present3
Architecture 327C through 327W courses
Architecture 342C through 342W courses
ARC 350RTopics in Design Theory (Topic 1, 3, OR 4)3
ARC 369JCity Architecture3
or CRP 369K Principles of Physical Planning

In addition to the above courses, former architecture majors may use other architecture courses completed while in the School of Architecture toward their coursework for the Architectural Studies Minor. Unnumbered architecture topics courses (Architecture 350R and 368R) completed prior to Fall 2016 also may count. 

Interior Design Minor

The Interior Design Minor is designed to provide a foundation in interior design and architecture concepts for students outside of the School of Architecture. Any undergraduate outside of the School of Architecture with a University grade point average of at least 2.50 may take any course listed below, whether pursuing the Interior Design Minor or not. Students may obtain only one minor from the School of Architecture. Please see the Course Schedule to determine if instructor permission is required.

Students who know they intend to complete the Interior Design minor should apply online at the earliest possible date; deadlines are March 1 for fall or summer, and October 1 for spring.

To fulfill the Interior Design Minor students must complete 15 semester hours of coursework as described below. At least half of the coursework must be completed in residence at The University of Texas at Austin. All coursework must be taken on the letter-grade basis, and completed in conjunction with the students’ major requirements. Six hours must be upper-division.

Registration for upper-division courses will require successful completion of 60 semester hours of coursework.

Students pursuing the Interior Design Minor may choose from among the following courses:

ARI 318KInteriors and Society3
ARI 318MInterior Design History3
ARC 308Architecture and Society3
ARC 318KWorld Architecture: Origins to 17503
ARC 318LWorld Architecture: The Industrial Revolution to the Present3
ARI 338Designing for Human Behavior3
ARI 368RInterior Design History II3
Architectural Interior Design 342C through 342W courses
Architecture 342C through 342W courses

In addition to the above courses, former interior design majors may use other interior design and architecture courses completed while in the School of Architecture toward their coursework for the Interior Design Minor. Unnumbered interior design or architecture topics courses (Architectural Interior Design 350R or Architecture 350R) completed prior to Fall 2016 also may count. 

Landscape Studies Minor 

The Landscape Studies Minor is designed to provide a foundation in landscape studies concepts for students outside of the School of Architecture. Any undergraduate outside of the School of Architecture with a University grade point average of at least 2.5 may take any course listed below, whether pursuing the Landscape Studies Minor or not. Students may obtain only one minor from the School of Architecture. 

Students who know they intend to complete the Landscape Studies minor should apply online at the earliest possible date; deadlines are March 1 for fall or summer, and October 1 for spring.

To fulfill the Landscape Studies Minor students must complete 15 semester hours of coursework as described below. At least half of the coursework must be completed in residence at The University of Texas at Austin. All coursework must be taken on the letter-grade basis, and completed in conjunction with the students’ major requirements. Six hours must be upper-division.

Registration for upper-division courses will require successful completion of 60 semester hours of coursework.

Students pursuing the Landscape Studies Minor may choose from among the following courses:

ARC 318KWorld Architecture: Origins to 17503
ARC 318LWorld Architecture: The Industrial Revolution to the Present3
ARC 327CUrban Design History, Theory, and Criticism3
ARC 327RTopics in Architectural Theory (All ARC 327 courses in the series ARC 327C-W.)3
ARC 327RTopics in Architectural Theory (Topic 6: Design of New Communities)3
ARC 342CMexican Architecture and Urbanism: From Pre-Columbian to Contemporary3
ARC 342RTopics in the History of Architecture (All ARC 342 courses in the series ARC 342C-W.)3
LAR 342KHistory and Theories of Landscape Architecture I3
LAR 342LHistory and Theories of Landscape Architecture II3
LAR 342RTopics in Landscape Architectural History (Topic 1: Romes Gardens and Landscapes)3
LAR 342RTopics in Landscape Architectural History (Topic 2: Professional Design Practice: Baroque Rome)3
LAR 342RTopics in Landscape Architectural History (Topic 3: Representing Landscape and Architecture, 1500-2015)3
LAR 342RTopics in Landscape Architectural History (Topic 4: Hybridity)3
LAR 346RTopics in Landscape Architectural Theory3
LAR 346RTopics in Landscape Architectural Theory (Topic 1: Ethics of Care)3
LAR 347KLiving Systems Design I3
LAR 347LLiving Systems Design II3

In addition to the above courses students also may count any unnumbered advanced architectural history topics courses (Architecture 368R) and architectural theory courses (Architecture 350R) completed prior to Fall 2016.