Established in 1912, Chancellors is the most prestigious honorary society of the School of Law. The purpose of the society is to honor and reward students who, through outstanding and consistent scholarship and achievement, have shown themselves most likely to succeed and to become a credit to their profession and their alma mater. Eligible for membership each year are the 16 students who have the highest grade point averages among those who are not already members and who have completed 42 semester hours of coursework in the School of Law. The number of Chancellors selected in one academic year may be increased from time to time, but at no time does the total selected in any year exceed five percent of the preceding senior class. The offices of Chancellors are, in order of academic standing and rank: Grand Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Clerk, Keeper of Peregrinus, and, in equal rank, such Chancellors-at-Large as are required to fill out the membership.
Dean's Achievement Award
The School of Law offers a Dean's Achievement Award. The award may be given each semester to the outstanding student in each course, chosen from among those with the highest grades. Seminars and courses offered only on the pass/fail basis are excluded.
Order of Barristers
The Order of Barristers was established in 1965 to give recognition to the outstanding participants in the advocacy program. The organization was founded at the School of Law and is now a national honor society with more than 100 law school members from all parts of the nation. Each year a University of Texas law school student is elected national secretary. Membership in the University chapter is limited to 10 third-year students who have demonstrated superior abilities in advocacy, chosen by the Faculty Advocacy Committee.
Order of the Coif
The Order of the Coif is a national law school honor society, founded to encourage scholarship and to advance the ethical standards of the legal profession. New members of the University chapter are chosen each fall from the top 10 percent of students who received the JD degree in the previous graduating class.