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C E 389V C E 389V. Modeling of Air and Pollutant Flows in Buildings. 3 Hours.
Same as Architectural Engineering 389V. Restricted to architectural engineering or civil engineering graduate students. Fundamentals of indoor airflow modeling, use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for air quality and thermal comfort analyses, application of CFD for analysis of air velocity, temperature, humidity, and contaminant distributions with different ventilation systems. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Architectural Engineering 383 (Topic: Modeling of Air and Pollutant Flows in Buildings), 389V, Civil Engineering 389V, 397 (Topic: Modeling of Air and Pollutant Flows in Buildings). Prerequisite: Graduate standing; for architectural engineering and civil engineering majors, three semester hours of coursework in fluid dynamics; for others, consent of instructor.