
Search Results

Bachelor of Science in Physics



...States: one flagged course e. Ethics: one flagged...the degree Physics 336K , 352K , 353L , 355 , 362K...

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics



...Engineering 411 , 325 , 360C , 362K e. Physics 329 , 336K , 352K Courses in requirements 13b through...

Bachelor of Science in Astronomy



...States: one flagged course e. Ethics: one flagged...115L , 316 , 116L , 336K , 352K , 353L , 355 , 369...

M E 352K M E 352K. Engineering Computer Graphics. 3 Hours.

Introduction to interactive computer graphics as a tool in computer-aided design. Use of graphics software packages. Two lecture hours and three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: For non-engineering majors, upper-division standing and written consent of instructor.

E 352K E 352K. Arthurian Literature and Film. 3 Hours.

A survey of the major Arthurian narratives from their origins in the Middle Ages to the present in various textual (prose, poetry, drama) and visual (illustration, film, graphic) forms. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. English 350E (Topic: Arthurian Literature and Film) and 352K may not both be counted. Prerequisite: One of the following: Comparative Literature 315, English 303D, 316L, 316M, 316N, 316P, or Tutorial Course 303D.