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ECE 422C ECE 422C. Software Design and Implementation II. 4 Hours.
Explore methods for engineering software with a focus on abstraction; specification, design, implementation, and testing of object-oriented code using a modern development tool-set for complex systems; design and implementation of object-oriented programs in Java; abstract data types; inheritance; polymorphism; parameterized types and generic programming; the operation and application of commonly used data structures; exception handling and fault tolerance; algorithm analysis; and teamwork models. Three lecture hours and one and one-half laboratory hours a week for one semester. Electrical and Computer Engineering 422C and Electrical Engineering 422C may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Computer Science 312 or Electrical and Computer Engineering 312 (or Electrical Engineering 312) or 312H (or Electrical Engineering 312H) with a grade of at least C-.
Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering
...ECE honors course, ECE 302H , ECE 312H , ECE...Electrical and Computer Engineering 422C , Software Design and...