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GEO 348K GEO 348K. Marine Geology and Geophysics Field Course. 3 Hours.

Hands-on, team-based instruction in the collection and processing of marine geological and geophysical data along the Gulf of Mexico coast. For Marine Sciences 148, one lecture hour and one laboratory hour a week for one semester. For Geological Sciences 348K and Marine Sciences 348, one lecture hour and four laboratory hours a week for one semester with additional hours to be arranged. Only one of the following may be counted: Geological Sciences 348K, 397F, Marine Sciences 348 (Topic 2). Fulfills the field experience requirement for some geological sciences degree programs. Students should contact the Department of Geological Sciences before registering. Prerequisite: For geological sciences majors, Geological Sciences 420K or 320L with a grade of at least C-, and consent of instructor; Geological Sciences 416M and 465K are recommended; for others, Marine Sciences 307 and 354F with a grade of at least C- in each, and consent of instructor.

Bachelor of Science in Geological Sciences



...with recommended upper-division GEO elective courses to...met by Geological Sciences 348K , 661A / 661B , or...