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HIS 344N HIS 344N. Death and the Afterlife in Ancient China. 3 Hours.
Same as Ancient History and Classical Civilization 330 (Topic 9), Asian Studies 379 (Topic 18), and Religious Studies 375S (Topic 12). Investigate ancient Chinese beliefs and practices surrounding death and the afterlife from the Neolithic era to the arrival of Buddhism. Explore tombs, burial objects, and funeral rites; philosophical essays and historical accounts; medical practices; religious relics, tokens, and talismans; ghost stories; poetry; and paintings. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Ancient History and Classical Civilization 330 (Topic 9), Asian Studies 379 (Topic: Death Aftrlfe Ancient China), 379 (Topic 18), History 344N, Religious Studies 375S (Topic 12). Prerequisite: For Asian studies majors, twelve semester hours of upper-division coursework in Asian studies; for religious studies majors, upper-division standing and at least six semester hours of coursework in religious studies; for others, upper-division standing.