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J S 304M J S 304M. Jewish Civilization: Beginnings to 1492. 3 Hours.
Same as History 306N (Topic 10), Middle Eastern Studies 310 (Topic 6), and Religious Studies 313M. Introduction to the history, culture, and religion of the Jewish people from around 1000 BC to the end of the medieval period. Subjects may include ancient Israel, late Second Temple sectarianism, the rise of Christianity, rabbinic Judaism, medieval Jewish philosophy, Jewish mysticism, and Hebrew poetry. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: History 306N (Topic: Jewish Civilization I), 306N (Topic 10), Jewish Studies 304M, 311 (Topic: Jewish Civilization I), Middle Eastern Studies 310 (Topic: Jewish Civilization: Beginnings to 1492), 310 (Topic 6), Religious Studies 313 (Topic: Jewish Civilization I), 313M.
Jewish Studies
Twenty-seven semester hours of coursework in Jewish studies, including 18 hours in-residence, Jewish Studies 304M or 304N , at least three additional hours of lower-division coursework, and 18 hours of upper-division coursework. Students must complete each of the following areas: