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LAW 284E LAW 284E. Nonprofit Organizations. 2 Hours.
Introduction to the laws, policies, and ideals affecting the creation and governance of nonprofit organizations, including medical and health-related institutions, educational institutions, cultural institutions, social clubs, service delivery organizations, religious (or "faith-based") institutions, and advocacy organizations. Two, three, or four lecture hours a week for one semester. Law 279M, 379M (Topic: Nonprofit Organizations) and 284E, 384E, 484E may not both be counted.
PHM 284E PHM 284E. Pharmacy Law. 2 Hours.
State and federal pharmacy laws. For each semester hour of credit earned, one lecture hour a week for one semester. Pharmacy PharmD 284E and Pharmacy 284E may not both be counted. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Completion of the second professional year in the College of Pharmacy.