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MUS 605A MUS 605A. Musicianship. 6 Hours.
Study of the fundamentals of music for music majors through tonal harmony, ear training, sight-singing, keyboard drill, analysis, and composition of music. Three lecture hours and two laboratory hours a week for two semesters. Only one of the following may be counted: Music 303C, 605, 313; Music 303D, 605, 313; Music 303E, 605, 313; Music 303F, 605, 313. Prerequisite: For 605A, either satisfactory completion of the audition required for admission to the Butler School of Music and registration in class piano as assigned by the Butler School of Music, or consent of instructor; for 605B, Music 605A with a grade of at least C-.
Texas Common Course Numbering System
General Information
...MUS 101N 3 MUSI 1306 MUS 302L MUSI 1310 MUS 307 MUSI 1311 MUS 605A...