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NEU 486G NEU 486G. Functional and Synaptic Neuroanatomy. 4 Hours.

Neuroanatomy and functional connectivity as a basis for brain function and behavior examined from gross structure, cytology and nanoscale synaptic connectivity. Subjects includes somatosensory, motor, visual, auditory, olfactory, taste, limbic, vestibular, hypothalamus, and other systems in addition to the synaptic basis of learning and memory, fear, sleep, stress, and synaptic changes during development, aging, mental retardation, and neurological diseases. Laboratory projects include three-dimensional reconstructions from serial section electron microscopy. For Neuroscience 386G, two lecture hours and one and one half laboratory hours a week for one semester; for Neuroscience 486G, three lecture hours and one and one half laboratory hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Neuroscience 385L (Topic 10), 386G, 486G. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and principles of neuroscience, vertebrate physiology, or other introductory neuroscience course; or consent of instructor.