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UTS 110 UTS 110. Secondary Teacher Education Preparation: STEP 2. 1 Hour.

Topics may include routes to teacher certification in mathematics, computer science, and science teaching; various teaching methods that are designed to meet instructional goals; and learner outcomes. Students develop and teach three inquiry-based lessons in their field in a middle school, and participate in peer coaching. One and one-half class hours a week for one semester; at least twenty hours of fieldwork a semester are also required. Biology 101C (Topic: STEP 2) and UTeach-Natural Sciences 110 may not both be counted. Prerequisite: UTeach-Natural Sciences 101 with a grade of at least C-, and a University grade point average of at least 2.20.

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...studentemergency@austin.utexas.edu UT Counseling and Mental...2001 Previously PM 4.110, HOP 4.A...

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...and International Admissions Center, UT Administration Building 4...Office of Graduate Studies, 110 Inner Campus Drive...

Bachelor of Science in Education



...taken in residence at UT Austin. Coursework in...I. Sanchez Building 2.110. Professional concentration: Fifteen...




...taken in residence at UT Austin. Coursework in...I. Sanchez Building 2.110. Professional concentration: Fifteen...