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WGS 345G WGS 345G. Virginia Woolf. 3 Hours.

Same as English 349S (Topic 8). Examines critical and fictional works of Virginia Woolf and the author's continuing legacy and influence. Explores the value and limitations of high modernism; English literary heritage and tradition; feminism; creative and critical definitions of gender and sexuality; intellectual activism, including Woolf's critiques of patriarchy, war, and fascism; and Woolf and imperialism and colonialism. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: English 349S (Topic 8), Women's and Gender Studies 345 (Topic 40), 345G. Prerequisite: One of the following: Comparative Literature 315, English 303D, 316L, 316M, 316N, 316P, or Tutorial Course 303D.