
Youth and Community Studies

Major Requirements

120 semester credit hours is required. The youth and community studies major has two professional concentrations that can lead to secondary teacher certification after meeting additional state requirements: UT Austin Urban Teachers English language arts and reading and UT Austin Urban Teachers social studies. Youth and community studies majors in other professional concentrations are not entitled to receive a teaching certificate. 

The curriculum for the major has the following components:

  1. University general education, including the Core Curriculum and Skills and Experience Flags
  2. major requirements
  3. curricular specialization
  4. professional concentration
  5. free electives

Students must complete the following:

Core Curriculum42
EDU 333Children's Literature (or three hours in E or RHE*)3
* Coursework used for this requirement may not also be used to satisfy the Humanities [Texas Core 040] requirement
EDP 318TSelected Topics in Educational Psychology (Topic 5: Introduction to Career Planning)3
EDP 320Cognition, Human Learning, and Motivation3
EDU 327Sociocultural Influences on Learning3
EDU 331Restorative Practices3
EDP 350GAdolescent Development3
or EDU 321 Play in Early Childhood Development
HED 329KChild and Adolescent Health3
Three additional hours in KIN or HED3
Three-hour entrepreneurship course (EDC 363 recommended)3
Curricular Specialization
Either a specialization in the Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, a minor outside of education, a certificate, or a track in a second field of study which consists of a minimum of 15 hours of coursework, six of which must be upper-division. No more than six hours in the minor may also be counted toward other degree requirements.*15
* See the College of Education "Degrees and Programs" page for specialization and track requirements.
Professional Concentration
Fifteen hours chosen from one of the following:* 15
Fieldwork in Youth and Community Studies
12 hours chosen from:
Movement Competence
Advanced Weight Training
Physiological Basis of Conditioning
Sport Psychology
Issues in Kinesiology: Topical Studies (Topic 2: Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries)
Issues in Kinesiology: Topical Studies (Topic 3: Fundamentals of Coaching)
Techniques of Fitness Leadership
Psychological Aspects of Exercise
Coaching Theory and Principles I
Coaching Theory and Principles II
Theory and Practice in Strength Coaching
For a complete list, visit education.utexas.edu.
Early Childhood
Early Childhood Education
Early Childhood Program Development
Fieldwork in Youth and Community Studies
6 hours chosen from:
Children's Movement
Play in Early Childhood Development
Family Relationships
Developmentally Appropriate Practices with Young Children
Development of Psychopathology from Infancy through Adolescence
Infant Development and Attachment Relationships
Advanced Child and Family Development
Theories of Child and Family Development
Foundations of Arithmetic
Foundations of Geometry, Statistics, and Probability
Fundamentals of Music: Classroom Instruments
Introduction to Child Psychology
Sociology of Education
Current Social Work Topics
Arts Integrations for Multidisciplinary Connections
Theatre Studies: Creative Drama
Theatre Studies: Theatre for Young Audiences
For a complete list, visit education.utexas.edu.
Educational Leadership and Policy
15 hours chosen from:
Leadership for New Student Transition
Sorority and Fraternity Leadership Issues
How Colleges Work
Equity and Diversity Issues in Education
College Students and Their Environments
Foundations of Educational Policy
Special Topics in Higher Education
Introduction to Educational Leadership Studies
Introduction to Educational Policy
Introduction to Research in Higher Education
Social Awareness and Critical Consciousness in Student Affairs
Introduction to Student Affairs in Higher Education
Physical Education
Fieldwork in Youth and Community Studies
12 hours chosen from:
Children's Movement
Motor Learning
Studies in Human Movement: Topical Studies (Topic 30: Sport Pedagogy)
Programming for People with Disabilities
For a complete list, visit education.utexas.edu.
Special Populations
Fieldwork in Youth and Community Studies
12 hours chosen from:
American Sign Language I: Beginning
American Sign Language III: Intermediate
Topics in Critical Disability Studies (Topic 1: Social Construction of Disability)
Topics in Critical Disability Studies (Topic 3: Aging and Disability)
Topics in Critical Disability Studies (Topic 7: Sexuality and Disability)
Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
Topics in Educational Psychology (Topic 3: Disability and Culture in Education)
Advanced Child and Family Development
Autism Spectrum Disorder: Truths and Consequences
Foundations and Issues in Special Education
Any SLH course
For a complete list, visit education.utexas.edu.
UTeach Urban Teachers English language arts and reading*
Adolescent Literacy
Secondary School Teaching Practicum (Topic 1: Secondary School Teaching Practicum: English)
Secondary School Subjects (Topic 1: Advanced Methods in English, Language Arts, and Reading)
Praxis for Student Teaching (Topic 1: Secondary English)
* Can lead to secondary teacher certification after meeting additional state requirements.
UTeach Urban Teachers social studies*
Topics in Educational Studies (Topic 3: Teaching Secondary Social Studies)
Secondary School Teaching Practicum (Topic 2: Secondary School Teaching Practicum: Social Studies)
Secondary School Subjects (Topic 3: Advanced Methods in Social Studies)
Praxis for Student Teaching (Topic 4: Secondary Social Studies)
* Can lead to secondary teacher certification after meeting additional state requirements.
Youth and Social Services
Fieldwork in Youth and Community Studies
12 hours chosen from:
Family Communication
Adolescent Development
Human Sexuality
Introduction to Individual Counseling and Psychotherapy
Psychology of the African American Experience
Psychology of Race and Racism
Family Relationships
Adolescent Development in Context
Theories of Substance Use and Abuse
Adolescent Health Risk Behavior
Psychosocial Issues in Women's Health
Strategic Health Communication
Social Determinants of Health and Health Disparities
Human Sexuality
Topical Seminar in Health Promotion
American Families Past and Present
Punishment and Society
Juvenile Delinquency
Sociology of Education
The Family
Sociology of Criminal Justice
Social Psychology and the Law
Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies
Any S W course
For a complete list, visit education.utexas.edu.
Free Electives21
Additional coursework to fulfill all degree requirements and reach a total of 120 semester hours. All majors must complete at least 36 hours of upper-division coursework.
Total Hours120

College of Education Degrees and Programs page

  • Core Component Areas: 010 English Composition and Core Writing Flag; 020 Mathematics; 030 Natural Science and Technology, Part I; 040 Humanities; 050 Visual and Performing Arts; 060 U.S. History; 070 American and Texas Government; 080 Social and Behavioral Sciences; 090 First-Year Signature Course; 093 Natural Science and Technology, Part II
  • Skills and Experience Flags: Wr Writing; Qr Quantitative reasoning; GC Global cultures; CD Cultural diversity in the United States; E Ethics; II Independent Inquiry