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ECE 461L ECE 461L. Software Engineering and Design Laboratory. 4 Hours.
Examine generation of concrete software engineering artifacts at all stages of the software life-cycle processes; stakeholder needs to system requirements mapping; object-oriented design and analysis; and test driven development. Study design principles and methods; design and modeling tools; collaborative development environment; design patterns and refactoring; integration and testing tools. Examine emerging concepts in cloud native devops, including microservices, containers, and application programming interfaces (APIs). Explore design and development of at-scale software system using modern software development techniques, including re-usable front-end and back-end components, and cloud deployment. Three lecture hours and three laboratory hours a week for one semester. Electrical and Computer Engineering 461L and Electrical Engineering 461L may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Computer Science 314, 314H, or Electrical and Computer Engineering 422C (or Electrical Engineering 422C) with a grade of at least C-; Mathematics 325K with a grade of at least C-; and credit or registration with a grade of at least C- for Aerospace Engineering 333T, Biomedical Engineering 333T, Chemical Engineering 333T, Civil Engineering 333T, Electrical and Computer Engineering 333T (or Electrical Engineering 333T), Engineering Studies 333T, Mechanical Engineering 333T, or Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering 333T.
Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering
...ECE honors course, ECE 302H , ECE 312H , ECE...Electrical and Computer Engineering 461L , Software Engineering and...