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S W 445 S W 445. Social Work Applied Practice. 4 Hours.

Restricted to social work majors. Explore the integration of theory and practice to strengthen the relationship between the classroom content and field. Examine the processes common to all social work practice, gender and cultural issues, and their impact on service delivery. Explore issues related to social and economic justice, vulnerable populations, cultural diversity, alleviating social problems, and the enhancement of human well-being. Four lecture hours a week for one semester. Social Work 444 and 445 may not both be counted. Offered on the letter-grade basis only. Prerequisite: Social Work 323K, 332, and 333 with a grade of at least a C; concurrent enrollment in Social Work 645C; and consent of advisor.

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...Brackenridge tract, 445 acres bordering...Frank Dobie's ranch, Paisano...Law John W. Hargis Hall...