
Canfield Business Honors Program

The Canfield Business Honors Program is designed to provide an intellectual challenge for students who have distinguished themselves academically and in leadership roles outside the classroom. The student may choose a general program of study or choose to combine the general program of study with an additional major. Canfield Business Honors Program students take 14 business courses in special sections open only to them. Additional information is available from the Canfield Business Honors Program Office.


Admission to the Canfield Business Honors Program is limited to a small number of exceptional students who are chosen on a competitive basis. Admission decisions are made by the Canfield Business Honors Program Committee. Most students enter the program as freshmen, but some are admitted as sophomores.

Students entering the University and the McCombs School of Business as freshmen may apply to the Canfield Business Honors Program by completing a separate online application available through The University of Texas at Austin Office of Admissions. The Canfield Business Honors Program Committee considers the student’s SAT Reasoning Test or ACT scores, high school class rank, preparatory courses, extracurricular activities, evidence of leadership ability, and other objective criteria.

Students may also seek admission to the Canfield Business Honors Program during the spring semester of their freshman year to begin taking courses as a sophomore. To be considered for admission, the student must have completed in the fall and spring semesters of the freshman year at least 24 semester hours of college-level coursework; this coursework must include Economics 304K and 304L or equivalent, Mathematics 408Q, or Mathematics 408R when taken in residence, or Mathematics 408K and 408L, or Mathematics 408N and 408S or Mathematics 408C and 408D, or the equivalent. The Canfield Business Honors Program Committee considers the student’s grade point average in courses taken in residence at the University and the number, type, and rigor of the courses the student has taken at the University. Students will also be evaluated based upon evidence of their extracurricular activities and leadership abilities. An applicant’s disciplinary record, as maintained by the Office of the Dean of Students, will be reviewed for academic dishonesty or other violations of University policy. Violations will be reported to the Admissions Committee and taken into account as part of the application process. Violations may exclude a student from admission depending on the nature and severity of the offense(s).

Students applying to the Canfield Business Honors Program are permitted to have received credit for Business Administration 101S and/or Management Information Systems 301; however, no credit will be accepted for other courses normally taken as part of the honors core.

Application materials and information about deadlines are available at https://www.mccombs.utexas.edu/undergraduate/canfield-business-honors-program/.

Academic Standards

A student who enters the Canfield Business Honors Program as a freshman must have a grade point average of at least 3.25 on the courses taken in residence during the fall and spring semesters of the first year to continue in the program. The student must complete at least 12 semester hours in residence on the letter-grade basis during each of those two semesters. After the freshman year, each student, whether admitted as a freshman or as a sophomore, is dismissed from the program if his or her overall or business grade point average drops below 3.25. Exceptions are granted only by the Canfield Business Honors Program Committee.

Violations of the University’s policies on academic integrity or non-academic conduct can lead to dismissal from the Canfield Business Honors Program.


To graduate under the Canfield Business Honors Program, the student must earn a University grade point average of at least 3.25 and a grade point average of at least 3.25 in business courses.

Degree Requirements

Canfield Business Honors Program students may choose a general program of study, or choose to combine the general program of study with an additional major. Requirements for the general program of study are:

  1. The Core Curriculum requirements and the BBA Degree Requirements
  2. Completion of the following business core courses and other business courses in special Honors Program sections:
    1. Accounting 311H (may fulfill the quantitative reasoning flag)
    2. Accounting 312H (may fulfill the quantitative reasoning flag)
    3. Business Administration 101H
    4. Business Administration Honors 151H
    5. Business Administration 324H (may fulfill the writing flag)
    6. Decision Science 235H
    7. Finance 357H
    8. Legal Environment of Business 323H (may fulfill the ethics flag)
    9. Management 101H
    10. Management 336H(may fulfill the ethics flag)
    11. Management 327H
    12. Management 374H (may fulfill the writing and independent inquiry flags)
    13. Management Information Systems 301H
    14. Marketing 337H
    15. Operations Management 235H
    16. Statistics 301H
    17. Statistics 235H (may fulfill the quantitative reasoning flag)
  3. Six semester hours of upper-division business electives
  4. Additional elective coursework, if necessary, to provide a total of at least 120 semester hours

Honors Computer Science and Business (CSB)


Admission to Computer Science and Business (CSB) is limited to a small number of high performing students who are chosen on a competitive basis. Students selected for the program will have demonstrated exceptional potential for success in both computer science and business. Admission decisions are made by the CSB Committee. Students enter the program as freshmen.

Students entering The University of Texas at Austin as freshmen may apply to the CSB by completing a separate online application available through the UT Austin Office of Admissions. The CSB Committee considers the student’s SAT Reasoning Test or ACT scores, high school class rank, preparatory courses, extracurricular activities, evidence of leadership ability, and other objective criteria.

Academic Standards

A student who enters CSB as a freshman must have a grade point average of at least 3.25 on the courses taken in residence during the fall and spring semesters of the first year to continue in the program. The student must complete at least 12 semester hours in residence on the letter-grade basis during each of those two semesters. After the freshman year, each student is dismissed from the program if his or her overall, computer science, or business grade point average drops below 3.25. In addition to this grade point average requirement, students must know and abide by the academic and disciplinary policies given in this catalog and in the General Information Catalog. Those who fail to do so will be considered for academic dismissal from the program. Under special circumstances and at the discretion of the CSB Program Committee, a student will be allowed to continue in the program under academic review. Students in scholastic difficulty should discuss their problems with the CSB Honors Program director(s) and their academic advisor(s).


To graduate under the CSB Honors Program, the student must earn a University grade point average of at least 3.25 and a grade point average of at least 3.25 in business courses and a grade point of average of at least 3.25 in computer science courses.  A candidate for any degree must be enrolled at The University of Texas at Austin in the semester in which the degree is awarded.

Students in CSB must satisfy the University’s Core Curriculum and degree requirements for a B.S. in Computer Science and for a B.B.A.; combined degree requirements below.  If students later elect to complete only one degree, they must consult their academic advisor(s) and fulfill all degree requirements.

Degree Requirements

  1. Mathematics 408C and 408D, or 408N, 408S, and 408M; either 340L or 341 or Statistics and Data Sciences 329C; and Statistics and Data Sciences 321
  2. One of the following sequences of coursework, also fulfills all of part I of the core curriculum science and technology requirement:
    1. Either Biology 311C and 311D, or 315H and 325H
    2. Chemistry 301 or 301C, and 302 or 302C
    3. Physics 303K and 103M, 301 and 101L or 317K and 117M; and 303L and 103N, 316 and 116L, or 317L and 117N.
  3. Economics 304K and 304L
  4. Three semester hours of coursework in anthropology, psychology, educational psychology, or sociology, chosen from approved courses; courses dealing primarily with statistics or data processing may not be used to fulfill this requirement.  Social Science 302C, 302D, 302E, and 302F (for Plan II dual majors only), are also accepted .  A list of coursework can be found in the Canfield Business Honors academic advising office.
  5. The following courses in computer science:
    1. Theory: Computer Science 311H, 331H
    2. Programming: Computer Science 314H
    3. Systems: Computer Science 429H, 439H
    4. Twelve additional hours of upper-division courses in computer science of which six hours must carry the honors designation.
  6. Completion of the following business core courses and other business courses in special Honors Program sections:
    1. Accounting 311H  (may fulfill the quantitative reasoning flag)
    2. Accounting 312H  (may fulfill the quantitative reasoning flag)
    3. Business Administration 101H
    4. Business Administration Honors 151H
    5. Business Administration 353
    6. Business Administration 324 (may fulfill the writing flag) 
    7. Decision Science 235H
    8. Finance 357H
    9. Legal Environment of Business 323H
    10. Management 101H
    11. Management 336H (may fulfill the ethics flag)
    12. Management 327H
    13. Management 374H (may fulfill the writing and independent inquiry flags)
    14. Management Information Systems 301H
    15. Marketing 337H
    16. Operations Management 235H
    17. Statistics 235H (may fulfill the quantitative reasoning flag)

This dual major requires 124 hours for completion of both degrees

Honors Electrical and Computer Engineering and Business (ECB)

Honors Electrical and Computer Engineering and Business (ECB) is a dual degree program between the Canfield Business Honors Program (Canfield BHP) and the Chandra Family Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE). The dual degree program's four-year undergraduate curriculum is aimed at preparing students for engineering and business careers. Students must successfully complete all requirements for both programs to receive a Bachelors of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering with the ECE Honors transcript distinction and a Bachelor of Business Administration.


Admissions to the ECB program is limited to a small number of high-performing students who are chosen on a competitive basis. Students selected for the program will have demonstrated exceptional potential for success in both engineering and business.  Admission decisions are made by the ECB committee. Students enter the program as a freshman.

The ECB program has its own admissions criteria and requirements that supplement the standard admissions requirements for the Cockrell School of Engineering, Canfield BHP, and UT Austin. Students will apply to the dual degree program in parallel with their application to UT Austin, the Cockrell School of Engineering, and the McCombs School of Business.

Students entering the university as freshmen may apply to the ECB program by completing a separate online application available through the UT Austin Office of Admissions. The committee considers the student's SAT Reasoning Test or ACT scores, high school rank, preparatory courses, extracurricular activities, evidence of leadership ability, and other objective criteria.

Academic Standards

A student who enters ECB as a freshman must have a grade point average of at least 3.25 on the Canfield BHP courses taken in residence during the fall and spring semesters of the first year to continue in the program. An ECB student must maintain a 3.3 in their ECE courses (honors and non-honors) and must be in good standing according to current policies of the ECE department and Canfield BHP. Students must complete at least 12 semester hours in residence on a letter-grade basis during the fall and spring semesters of the first year.

After freshman year, students are dismissed from the program if their overall business GPA drops below 3.25 or ECE GPA drops below a 3.3. Students failing to meet these requirements will be placed on warning for one semester, and then dismissed from the ECB program if they fail to improve their GPA. Students dismissed from the honors program become part of their first-choice major indicated on their admissions application unless they petition to join their second-choice major.

In addition to this grade point average requirement, students must know and abide by the academic and disciplinary policies given in this catalog and in the General Information Catalog. Those who fail to do so will be considered for academic dismissal from the program. Under special circumstances, and at the discretion of the ECB program committee, a student will be allowed to continue in the program under academic review.  Students in scholastic difficulty should discuss their problems with the ECB program director(s) and their academic advisor(s).


To graduate under the ECB program, the student must earn a university grade point average of at least 3.25, and a grade point average of at least 3.25 in business courses, and a grade point average of at least a 3.3 in Electrical and Computer Engineering courses. A candidate for any degree must be enrolled at The University of Texas at Austin in the semester in which the degree is awarded.

Students in the ECB program must satisfy the university Core Curriculum and the combined degree requirements for a Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering with the ECE Honors transcript distinction and a Bachelor in Business Administration. If students later elect to complete only one degree, they must consult their academic advisor(s) and fulfill all degree requirements.

Degree Requirements 

  1. The Core Curriculum requirements and the BBA Degree Requirements.
  2. Mathematics 408C and 408D, or 408K408L, and 408M340L, and 427J.
  3. Physics 303K and 105M301 and 101L or 317K and 117M; and 303L and 105N316 and 116L, or 317L and 117N.
  4. Economics 304K and 304L
  5. Three semester hours of coursework in anthropology, psychology, educational psychology, or sociology with a primary focus other than statistics or data processing. Courses dealing primarily with statistics or data processing may not be used to fulfill this requirement. Social Science 302C, 302D, 302E, and 302F (for Plan II dual majors only), are also accepted. A list of coursework can be found in the Canfield Business Honors academic advising office.
  6. Students must take and successfully complete at least sixteen (16) hours of ECE Honors courses.
    1. Electrical and Computer Engineering 302H, 312H, and 319H in their first year.
    2. Additional courses to be used towards the 16 hours requirement of the ECE Honors program include:Electrical and Computer Engineering 411H, 313H and 351H.
    3. Approved ECE Graduate Courses used as part of the ECE Undergraduate Degree may also be counted/substituted. Note that this does not apply for graduate courses taken for graduate credit as part of a graduate or integrated BSECE/MSECE program.
    4. All ECE honors courses are used to fulfill ECE course requirements.
  7. Students in the ECB Honors Program must complete all ECE curriculum requirements and a minimum of 125 hours. Please refer to the Engineering “Degrees and Programs” section of this catalog for technical course options within each linked degree major program.
    1. 17 hours of business honors courses that substitute for ECE courses required for the ECE degree:
    2. Electrical and Computer Engineering 306411 or 411H313 or 313H, 351K or 351H, and 364D.
    3. Advance technical component within an identified component area: two component area courses (six to seven hours), one component laboratory course (four hours), one advanced mathematics course (three to four hours).
    4. Three (nine hours of) Electrical and Computer Engineering advanced technical elective courses.
    5. Advanced technical elective: Within any core of Electrical and Computer Engineering: one upper-division electrical and computer engineering course (or ECE 316) (three to four hours).​
  8. Completion of the following business core courses and other business courses in special Honors Program sections:
    1. Accounting 311H (may fulfill the quantitative reasoning flag)
    2. Accounting 312H  (may fulfill the quantitative reasoning flag)
    3. Business Administration 101H
    4. Business Administration Honors 151H
    5. A professional, business-related experiential learning course chosen from the following: Accounting 366PBusiness Administration 353 653366P, Finance 366P, Management 347P366P367P369PManagement Information Systems 366P, Marketing 366POperations Management 366P.  Only one of the following courses may be counted toward the degree: Business Administration 353 or 653.
    6. Business Administration 324H (may fulfill the writing flag)
    7. Decision Science 235H
    8. Finance 357H
    9. Legal Environment of Business 323H
    10. Management 101H
    11. Management 336H (may fulfill the ethics flag)
    12. Management 327H
    13. Management 374H (may fulfill the writing and independent inquiry flags)
    14. Management 301H
    15. Marketing 337H
    16. Operations Management 235H
    17. Statistics 301H
    18. Statistics 235H (may fulfill the quantitative reasoning flag)

This dual major program requires 155 hours for completion of both degrees.